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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Liberals Panic as Trump Could Flip Left-Leaning Ninth Circuit

Liberals are panicking about the fact that President-elect Donald Trump will be able to fill four vacancies on the historically left-leaning Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals when he takes office later this month.

Outgoing Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) called the vacancies a “judicial emergency,” according to Bay Area public radio station KQED, even though there are 29 judges on the court. The “emergency” is that Trump’s nominees might be able to make the court more conservative.

The Ninth Circuit’s jurisdiction covers many West Coast states, and its decisions have often reflected the liberal political culture of California and other “left coast” outposts. Over the past several decades, the frequency with which the U.S. Supreme Court — which had a narrow 5-4 conservative majority until 2016 — reversed Ninth Circuit rulings became a recurring theme. However, the Ninth Circuit has shown flashes of independence, as in recentSecond Amendment rulings.



  1. Obama and his recess appointments still have to be confirmed by the Senate so Trump can still nominate his choices and get Senate approval so Liberals should not be zealous and try and get Obama to do recess appointments and think they have won.

  2. We just need judges that fallow the law and not there own opinion.

  3. All this left leaning crap needs to stop NOW. If I have to watch ugly Pelosi on tv much more, I'm really going to get sick. When she opens her mouth, always plan on some ignorant statement to come out, she actually should be blonde.

  4. The Ninth circus has been an embarrassment for many years.

  5. Trump should be like a bulldozer and push everything he wants through without any democrats say.

  6. Elections have consequences!

  7. After the past 8 horrible years of Obama, I hope that any changes that Trump makes have to be better.

  8. Trump needs to use Obama's quote "I WON" you didn't.


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