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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Lewis: 'Almost impossible for me' to work with Trump

Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said in an interview broadcast Sunday that it would be "almost impossible" for him to work with President-elect Donald Trump after he takes office.

"It's going to be very hard and very difficult. Almost impossible for me to work with him," Lewis, a prominent civil rights leader in the 1960s, said in an interview with NBC News's Chuck Todd.

Todd questioned Lewis about a scenario where Trump called him up and asked to consider working with him.

"I would say, 'Mr. President, Mr. Trump, it's going to be hard. It's going to be tough,'" Lewis responded.

His remarks in the pre-taped interview came before Trump tweeted Saturday evening and suggested the pair work together in focusing on the nation's inner cities.

Trump has courted prominent African-Americans such as entertainer Steve Harvey, who visited Trump Tower on Friday, to focus on the issue. Trump also tapped retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

“Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on the burning and crime infested inner-cities of the U.S. I can use all the help I can get!” Trump tweeted Saturday evening.

More here


  1. Replies
    1. Trump needs to resign. He has no clue how to be president. And no im not a liberal.

    2. @3:46 instead of whining why don't you give him a chance?? Or would you rather just complain about hm? Be a part of the solution not the problem 🤔

  2. This guy is a pill... who cares anyways what he thinks--get over it

  3. Why expect anything else from this useless excrement. He is Part of the problem not part of the solution. He needs Quit, resign, or be voted out. No time for this useful unamerican idiot.

  4. Why expect anything else from this useless excrement. He is Part of the problem not part of the solution. He needs Quit, resign, or be voted out. No time for this useful unamerican idiot.

  5. he has 30 years of gubmint "service" - if we can't get term limits, how about capping years of "service"?

  6. You are working for America and its people now not the Democratic party.

  7. Good reason for you to resign! If your sorry liberal mind is so closed and intolerant - you should not be wasting oxygen that is more useful for pigs to breathe!

  8. I wish the second tweet was the first one. And I wish the media would stop fanning the flames.

  9. Mr. Lewis can get the *** out. There are others that would take his spot.

  10. John Lewis is NOT MLK...Lewis should step down NOW.

  11. He is the Reason >> We Need 2 Term LIMITS !!! For ALL

    He has been there toooo long already ........Enough !!

    Pelosi and Cummings too ........

  12. Always question a politician who says working with people (legally) is impossible.

  13. 3:46

    Trump has done more for the economy and the country since he won the election, than Obummer has done in eight years, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

    1. Yep, That's why all these companies are laying people off. 🙄

  14. Notice his CMA reference to "almost." Typical politician.

  15. MLK was a registered Republican.

  16. A U.S. representative, who knows the process and was with all the other democrats when they were exalting Hillary and laughing at the numerous scenario's they presented showing Trump "had no clear path to 270 electoral votes". The electoral college was (they thought) in their pocket and they couldn't have been happier.
    NOW, it's the popular vote they want to talk about. Even that is disingenuous.
    They avoid acknowledging that the liberal goofs carried about what?, about 35 counties out of over 3000? There ain't no way to dress that pig up as anything but a nationwide ass-whipping.
    And a REPRESENTATIVE (!!) says that he doesn't see him as "legitimate"??
    He didn't (because he can't) enunciate his reasons. Just more of the "poor me" and victimhood BS they have made as their central tenet and guiding philosophy. If they aren't currently and actively offended by something, anything -- they don't feel quite right.
    It's not too late for hanging.

  17. Trump don't need to work with such Racist Blacks like him
    He No better than KKK he just Black KKK Black Panther BLM

  18. Lewis needs headlines. The last time he made news was March 2010 when his black buddy, a reporter for a liberal rag, claimed falsely that tea party members called Lewis a you-know-what as they walked up the U.S. Capitol stairs. Lewis knew it didn't happen, and a few videos proved it didn't, yet Lewis remained silent. Once again, with too many people, ideology is more important than the truth.

  19. So, quit. You claim you can't do your job? Well, there are ones that want to, so just walk out that door. Nobody will miss you.

  20. A mature, responsible adult will make it happen.
    Just do it. That's what you were elected for.

  21. I love how liberals say we have Race Issues ? well it was them and obama who did it on PURPOUSE.

  22. Get out and quit whining.

  23. Look around at Trumps successes Johnny. I doubt Trump needs your help "to work with him" Lol


  24. The President is on record extending a hand to Mr. Lewis; if Mr. Lewis isn't bright enough to grasp it the way is clear to go forward without involving him. Or giving him an opportunity to take credit.


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