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Monday, January 30, 2017

Just How Much Voting Fraud Does Exist?

One of an American citizen’s most important rights and privileges is the right to vote. Year after year across the nation, Americans gather to express their voice via the ballot box. It’s as American as apple pie. It unites and divides and is responsible for stirring up some of the most contentious arguments and debates between Americans of all stripes. Politicians have made a profession of attempting to navigate this minefield of explosive issues and opinions in the hopes of convincing a majority to see things their way. The right to vote, too often taken for granted, is the single most powerful and sacred right of an American citizen. That Liberty is why so many heroic Americans have fought and died. It’s no cheap thing, and yet too many see it as worthless.

Early this week Donald Trump leveled the claim that three to five million illegal votes were cast during this past election, and he has called for an investigation into voter fraud. That stunning accusation — stunning only for the high numbers claimed — predictably brought howls of outrage from the Leftmedia, which lambasted Trump for yet more fake news and baseless claims. Hypocritically, the Leftmedia offered no evidence to prove that Trump’s accusation was “baseless.”

And it’s not as if there are no facts supporting at least the need for a greater investigation into voter fraud..

More here


  1. I believe there has been a lot of voter fraud, especially in the last tow or three Presidential elections if not going back further. I believe this is how Obama won a second term. Also why everyone was so shocked that Trump won even though all the cards were stacked against him. That is why Hillary was suppose to win with all the illegal votes. Just a personal note, My father was a Republican and every since I can remember he voted for the Republicans winners and losers. That is until he died about twenty years ago since his death I guess he votes Democrat. Just saying.

  2. birth certificate needed.

  3. Damn those Republicans who think that the voting process isn't a free-for-all!


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