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Friday, January 13, 2017

IN YOUR FACE LIBS – Mexico Ready To Discuss WALL!

During the campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly promised that he would build a wall on the Mexican border. And he wasn’t just going to build a wall — he was going to make Mexico pay for it. Most people rightly laughed at the idea, because the notion of Mexico paying for a border wall they don’t want it ludicrous. But was Trump right all along? Mexico has a new foreign relations secretary, and he is evidently open for negotiations.

Luis Videgaray has just taken his position as foreign relations secretary, and he is open to discussing matters with Trump. “(He) said Tuesday his country isn’t just willing to negotiate changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement, it wants to start talks as soon as possible,” the Associated Press reported. “He (also) said Mexico is willing to negotiate over Trump’s plan to build a border wall.”

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto also emphasized the importance of negotiating. “With the change of government in the United States on 20 January, the instructions for secretary Videgaray is (sic) to accelerate dialogue and contacts so that from the first day the bases for building a constructive work relationship can be established,” he said.



  1. After strongarming their economy

  2. Tell the president of Mexico to call all his people back.

  3. This will obviously go nowhere. Heck, I'm willing to meet with Trump to discuss the wall too.


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