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Thursday, January 12, 2017

I can't believe what happened last night!!

I can't believe what happened last night!! I don't know if I should post this as an being in the wrong place at the wrong time or what?

We went down to that gas station to buy a Mountain Dew because Ron hadn't gone shopping yet and I had been wanting one.

When Ron pulled up to go inside, we noticed these two police officers looking at a woman who was smoking while fueling up. I saw her and said to myself, "Ummm...what an idiot! With the police right there too!" I'm not sure who these two officers were, but one looked familiar.

Ron went in and got my Mountain Dew, and I stayed in the van and as I saw him checking out, I hear someone screaming! I look out the window, and that woman's arm was on fire! She was tossing about, waiving her arm around and just going crazy!

Ron ran outside, and the police officers had put her on the ground and were putting the fire out with an extinguisher. The police officers then put handcuffs on her and were about to put her in their car!!!

I was like, "What in the world?!?!" So, being the concerned citizen that I am, I waved one of them over to my window and asked them what they were arresting her for. I figured that catching her arm ablaze would be punishment enough, right?!?! He looked me dead in my eye and said...

"For waiving a firearm!"


  1. Okay,
    Had me all the way to the end.

  2. That was a good one.When Richard Prior set himself on fire freebasing some homeless guy ran up to him and asked for a light.

  3. Lmao! Good one Joe!

  4. Yup, Salisbury PD for sure!

  5. Nothing like a groaner!

  6. I was driving down route 50 and hit a bird. The bird went over my wind shield and struck a state police car right in the wind shield. The Trooper stopped me. I politely asked why did you stop me. The Trooper said for flipping him the bird.

    1. must have been the Berlin Barack Rookies....one of those kids wrote me up a 180 ticket for following him too close at a Red Light.....Hired a lawyer, and Kiddie Trooper was a no show for court....case dismissed
      ...so the one that stooped you musta been the kiddies @ BERLIN BARACKS


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