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Monday, January 09, 2017

Green Energy Is a Fraud

When is the rest of the Western world going to catch up with Donald Trump and point out that the green emperor is wearing no clothes?

I ask as a concerned UK taxpayer absolutely sick to death of the vast sums of money that continue to be funneled into the pockets of crooks, liars, spivs, chancers, con-artists and fantasists in the name of solving the non-existent problem of “climate change.”

Let me give you some examples of what I mean.

Wales’s £18 million tidal energy flop

If there’s one thing, everyone who thinks of themselves as reasonable and well-informed knows, tidal power is the thing. How do they know this? Well, because they’re aware that the wind and solar power have their flaws but their hearts tell them that renewable energy must be a good thing because it’s clean and it’s free so therefore they’ve decided to pin their hopes on the technology whose crispness hasn’t been tested yet – and that means tidal.

Also, they’ll have read thinly-disguised press releases like this article First full-scale tidal generator in Wales unveiled: Deltastream array to power 10,000 homes using ebb and flow of the ocean and gone: “Well they wouldn’t print stuff like that unless it were true, would they?”

But now, surprise surprise, this tidal project – subsidized to the tune of £8 million by the European Union, with another £500,000 from the Welsh government – is lying in ruins on the Pembrokeshire seabed because the company that ran it – Tidal Energy Ltd – has gone into administration. It failed after just three months of operation.



  1. Politicians invest heavy in green energy that's why they want energy costs high.

  2. Too late for Somerset County whose Planning and Zoning Dept approved a 250 ton per day digester for poultry litter despite the "Green" Company receiving a Special Exemption for 9 tons per day. Now Somerset County will be importing poultry manure from other counties and the anaerobic process will create 150,000 gallons per day of contaminated waste water. Poultry litter is a commodity that only needs to be trucked a few counties north because it is natures' perfect fertilizer in its current state.

  3. Crisfield's turbine is broken and it hasn't produced one cent worth of energy.

  4. They must have listened to Obama.

  5. Al Gore belongs in jail.

  6. Green energy is the smart, right thing to do - but not cost effective.
    There's years of data that show why.

    Geo-thermal is very green and upfront expensive...long term one can save an awful lot!

    Who's foolin who Fed Govt?

  7. The fact is most forms of green energy destroy habitat while wreaking havoc with our environment. Wind turbines kill birds and bats while increasing the air temperature and creating noise and low frequency pollution. Solar panels require vasts amounts of land (habitat) and increase ground temperature for a spec of energy. Low frequency noise from offshore turbines create confusion causing pods of whales and porpoises to beach themselves. All this while producing energy that cost 3 to 25 times more than conventional sources. No way can I pay $600 per month for $200 worth of energy that destroys our planet while claiming it is saving it!!!

  8. it sure is a fraud. there is NO savings here.

  9. Not all green energy is fraud. We should be looking for oil alternatives if for nothing more than to cut our ties with the middle east. Tidal generators are a great idea because they have predictable and constant power generation. There is so much government money being dumped in that these companies are presenting grandiose ideas to get it and then realizing that they cant deliver. Stop subsidizing everyone, oil and green, and let the free market decide.


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