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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Frosh Among 6 State AGs Urging Rejection Of Sessions For AG

NEW YORK (AP) — Attorneys generals from six states, including Maryland’s Brian Frosh, have sent a letter urging the Senate Judiciary Committee to reject the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general.

In the letter dated Jan. 17, the prosecutors said they had “grave concern” that Session would “diligently and fairly enforce all laws protective of civil rights, public safety, health and welfare.”

The letter said Sessions made bigoted statements in the past, rejected sensible, criminal justice policy reforms, and badly managed his office during his tenure as Alabama Attorney General.



  1. Frosh needs to resign He is just another liberal.

  2. If Sessions is against medical marijuana like I have read, I don't want him confirmed either.

  3. Sessions will be an excellent AG bc he'll enforce the Law.

  4. Brian Frosh, another liberal loser.

  5. If the liberals hate hum then this is the best choice for America. Trump 2017!!!!!


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