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Sunday, January 08, 2017

Four people in custody for alleged torture of disabled white man: 'F—- Donald Trump, f—- white people'

A shocking video shows a white man bound, gagged and bloody as a gang of racist black thugs force him to say “f**k Donald Trump” and “f**k white people”.

The video was uploaded to Facebook live yesterday by a user named Brittany Herring, the African-American woman who appears in the clip.

The 30 minute video shows a young man tied up in a corner with blood coming from his head. The man’s mouth is gagged as thugs humiliate and abuse him.

The victim is repeatedly kicked and hit while forced to denounce white people and Donald Trump.



  1. In a civilized society we have courts and a fair system to treat criminals like this. Maybe these criminals should be sent somewhere not as civilized for their punishment, like the old Roman Colosseum!

  2. Call them what they are. If anyone still has questions why the crime is so bad in Obama's home town, just look at these animals. It's how stereotypes are confirmed. And listen to them use the "nigger" word. That's not white deplorables saying that racist word: it's black thugs using the 'n' word.
    It's time to take our country back from life-long thugs who hold our country back. Democrats pander to these people by keeping them on government assistance and this is the result. Form your own conclusions: why don't other countries have racial tensions like we do? What is their missing denominator?

  3. The liberal left's tolerance and civility is coming through in high style!

  4. Can you just imagine how this young man felt. All four need to go to jail for the rest of their life. To be so bold as to put this on Facebook Live clearly shows their lack of respect towards another human being. This is terrorism in the worst way. Send all four to the armed forces front lines or go to jail for life.

    1. Where is....
      Al Sharpton
      Eric holder
      I watched cnn last night intetview black guests and ofcourse they said lets not jump the gun ?

    2. Not only "how" he felt, but "how" he will continue to feel. This will be something that he will never forget the rest of his precious life. To be so humiliated and torchered is just so disgusting. What I would really like to see in this country is parent accountability. Yes I know that you can lead a horse to water but can't make him drink, however, it starts at home PERIOD!!

  5. The judge will slap them on the hand, and, they'll be bragging about it later that afternoon. That's why our country is in the shape it's in.

  6. Yea and they wont say this is a racist hate crime

  7. Everyone sits back and complains but won't do a thing about it.

    1. Nothing is being done bc of liberal idiot police chiefs and judges sound familiar chief Duncan ?

  8. 8:17 how about telling us exactly what "everyone" is supposed to do? Personally I think the thugs should be lynched and then dragged around the streets behind a car until there is nothing left of them. If this were to happen then the blacks would come out of the woodwork hollering racism and then proceed to riot which then puts LE in danger. At this point in time the best thing to do is to continue to get the word out about atrocities like this on blogs and social media just so the world can see just how uncivilized the democrat mind is.

  9. If this was four whites and one black victim there would be riots in the streets and politicians calling for hate crime charges! Yet what do we hear? Crickets!

  10. Obama said he was going to heal this country. he has destroyed this country just like mochelle told us he would.

  11. I sure hope this dosnt happen the other way around.

  12. 7:48 the missing denominator is george soros,alinski, and all the rest of their cohorts.

  13. 8:42AM

    Don't forget Obama, who is still considered the President.

  14. Hey Jake wake up......People want a change in the PD. Again when will you see the writing on the wall.

  15. If you look at CNN, they have it on their front page but of course do not mention the words spoken in this video unless you click on the story. On Fox they have the words in big bold letters. Let's for a second imagine this were reversed and it was four white people beating up a DISABLED black kid and saying "F Obama" and "F black people".....can you imagine????? I mean CNN would be covering this and the ensuing riots on a 24 hour loop! No question about it. The people who have been arrested "may be charged" with a hate crime. If this isn't a hate crime, what is? They literally say it themselves...what more can you ask for. If they are not charged with a hate crime, white people everywhere should riot and burn things down. That is acceptable now right? Give me a break.

  16. This is a hate crime and treated as such!

  17. Prisons are too easy,they don't punish they reward.

  18. To claim that these criminals represent the Democrat Party would be the same as saying the KKK represent the Republican Party.

  19. How bout when brittany herring gets out kidnap her ass put her same cituation and i bet o no another black victim lucky this wasnt this town id be waiting for all them involved to get out so i could serve justice and it would be no jail for me be a cold case sitting on a shelf

  20. While some of the comments above are made in the "heat of the moment" I have a viable alternative. It is obvious these perpetrators have no regard for human dignity or law enforcement and express no desire to assimilate so I propose that the government hire the cruise lines to afford them one way first class passage to their homeland, Africa, to survive in an element more suited to their demeanor. In Russia they would be exiled to Siberia so let's cut to the chase.

  21. Isn't that something 8:47. Blacks saying "let's not jump the gun." But they have no problem doing exactly that when an officer shoots a black. It's no wonder God is punishing them by having a record number of blacks blowing each others brains out. They are lying hypocrites. They do belong in Africa! It's as if so many have gone full circle back to the primitive uncivilized behaviors from where they originated. There isn't one country in the world that is black run that is lawful and self sufficient. No one can name one. Goes to show how they really are and if given an inch like they were with there lying evil obama they will without fail turn a civilized place into a war zone. 100% truth and if they don't like it then they need to look in the mirror.

  22. "Anonymous said...

    To claim that these criminals represent the Democrat Party would be the same as saying the KKK represent the Republican Party.

    January 5, 2017 at 10:07 AM"

    Don't be ridiculous. These thugs most certainly DO represent the democrat party! Look at the democrat strongholds. All the inner cities where there are the highest populations are democrat strongholds so this proves the majority of democrats are violent filth. Then if you vote democrat you are acknowledging you support the behavior so you are just as filthy and nasty. The KKK does nothing but talks nonsense. When's the last time you've heard any violence out of them? I expect an answer out of you. Words mean nothing unless you are a politically correct braindead zombie most of whom only are offended because they can't stand hearing the truth.

  23. Obama and Rahm Emanual's legacy for Obama's eight years in office. See what he's done for race relations in this country as the first black president? What a freakin' shame.

  24. To the parents your children are worthless.

    January 5, 2017 at 4:25 PM
    You got it wrong. Its the parents that are worthless. They all have mommas that "raised" them on government money, and the baby daddies did nothing but be a sperm donor for their momma's welfare checks. This is what socialist democrat policies breed in the inner cities. They are human rats.

  25. You know that the MSM will drop this as quickly as they can from their 24 hour loop, unless WE keep it there. It's too embarrassing to them, because it shows what many of us have been saying is true.
    How hard would it be to get WLM signs and shirts made to have at inauguration? Maybe the congressional white caucus could sponsor it. Might ask for reparations from all the money our country has wasted on failed social programs.


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