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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Former Pugh Aide Indicted For Straw Contributions

A former aide to then-Sen. Catherine Pugh has been charged on allegations he sidestepped state campaign contribution limits.

"Election laws are in place to maintain the integrity of the electoral process and foster transparency in the regulation of campaign contributions," State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt said in a statement. "Illegal straw contributions in names other than one's own to evade such laws cannot be tolerated."

The charges allege that Gary Brown Jr., now a member of the Baltimore City Democratic Central Committee, deposited cash into the bank accounts of his mother, step-father and brother. Brown then immediately contributed the money in the names of the three relatives to the Pugh mayoral campaign. Between Jan. 13 and April 9 of 2016, Brown contributed a total of $18,000.



  1. What, a Democrat?!???

  2. It happens here every election.

  3. And the Democrat Central Committee just appointed him to fill a City Council seat as well. The only criteria to being a Democrat politician is to be a criminal!


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