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Sunday, January 22, 2017

FBI & NYPD: Clinton Foundation Probed for Money Laundering, Financial Transactions with Islamic Terror Groups

Money launderers who bragged on a secret federal wire tap that they could employ Clinton Foundation connections to funnel and cleanse millions in illicit cash have sparked a newly-minted FBI investigation into the embattled charity run by Hillary Clinton and her family, federal law enforcement officials confirm.

The money laundering allegations being probed by the FBI have been buoyed by recent revelations and evidence discovered by the NYPD from a laptop confiscated from Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin’s Manhattan residence. According to NYPD, several of the emails recovered on the hard drive disclosed sensitive financial details of the Clintons and their charity. That evidence is now in the hands of the FBI too, whose New York field office has opened a parallel Clinton Foundation investigation.

Federal law enforcement sources said the Los Angeles-based money launderers, who are part of a separate federal investigation, discussed previously using Clinton Foundation personnel to domesticate foreign funds that could not be legally brought into the United States through traditional bank wires and deposits.

NYPD sources said Weiner’s email treasure trove contained correspondences regarding a company linked to President Bill Clinton and at least one offshore company, a South American affiliate of the Clinton Foundation. The emails also contained offshore financial correspondences, the source said.

Federal agents said one U.S.-based company is owned by Bill Clinton and according to linked banking intelligence discovered in emails, that entity disbursed millions of dollars via wire transfers through global banks to additional accounts controlled by the Clinton family and its charity. NYPD intelligence sources versed in anti-money laundering, said the emails and other items obtained from Weiner’s laptop paint a portrait of a complex corporate umbrella strategically formulated to seemingly operate and avoid law-enforcement detection.

“There’s sophistication in how this works and distributes cash to other accounts,” a federal intelligence source said. “Do we think this involves gun-running or drug-dealing criminals? Not intentionally, but the infrastructure is set up almost identically. Proceeds and income are being hidden the same way.”

Read the Entire Article on True Pundit


  1. No wonder why they started the lies about Russia and trump. Clintons are in serous trouble.

  2. Anything CLINTON is Teflon ...just Don't Stick !!!

  3. Treason
    Lock her up with Al Sharpton.

  4. Lock the HildaBeast up!!!

  5. As much as I'd like this to be true, there's a lot of anonymous sources. The last time we heard from NYPD sources about the contents of Weiner's laptop there was supposed to be a lot of child porn and nothing since. Like everything else in the news lately, skepticism is called for. We'll have to wait and see.

  6. I hope we do get to the whole truth, just what has been done and all that are involved and that they are prosecuted to the fullest intent of the law no matter who it points to, America needs to know with all the slander they have thrown into the election. It still troubles me the deaths in Bengazi, and the Clinton Aids and co workers who have died in mysterious circumstances in the last two years. It needs to be done so we can protect this country from it happening again and knowing what to look for. It should be frightening to both the Democrats and Republicans as to how far some will go to rig an election.

  7. Did anyone else see it?!

    WBOC - 6PM news - Caption -

    Sale of circus tickets sore.

    SORE - really, are the ticket mad???

  8. Now what are liberals going to do when she's indicted? Mass suicide? She's been a corrupt criminal her whole life. The libs didn't do their homework. They followed her blindly without any regard to the controversy swirling around her and Billy dumbass. They touted a real winner and cheated to get her nomination to begin with but they're all upset about Trump. Well 😫😩😩😩 whine away.

  9. Do you think she'll do autographs to and from her trial dates?

    1. She might charge $1 per autograph. She'll need cig money in the big house. We all know she just loves charging people to pay them attention!

  10. Ch16 remains 30 minutes of comic fodder!

  11. 4:22-True,but imagine if you can how 4 intel agencies went along with it.We are living in insane times.Investigations will fill up the next 4 years.

  12. 743 investigations began a while back. They're a lot closer than you think in completing parts that can be adjudicated. Clinton is in for a rude awakening and she's in a tough spot. To get a pardon you have to apply for one, admit guilt to crimes and accept Guilt. Don't see her psychopathic tendencies allowing her to do such a thing. She doesn't think she'll ever get caught.

  13. This is happy news.

  14. The Clintons are NOT GOING TO JAIL....they have too much dirt on others in the Congress . Senate and House....the Clintons plane will crash by accident...

    1. You have absolutely no idea what's going on 903. Why are you trying Effect some hope of your own? There's more going on that will come to light in coming months.

    2. Draining the swamp means the whole swamp. All dirt will be exposed and dealt with sooner than later. Nothing left to blackmail with.

  15. The charges will not be filed until Obama is officially out of office. The fact is he communicated with her on her private e-mail. But apparently, Bill Clinton thinks his hard drive is still OK.

  16. The clintons closed the Clinton Glogal Initiative Foundation down today.
    Their "contributors" --- their real intent and purpose being revealed now to the world -- have stopped giving any money because they won't get the payoff now.
    Let the FBI THINK you might be laundering money Your bank accout get frozen and assets seized. They will give HER a little more time to destroy incriminating evidence.
    Keep cheering


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