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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Fast-food worker turns herself in after allegedly putting menstrual blood on burger

Mississippi fast-food worker accused of smearing her menstrual blood on a customer’s sandwich, turned herself into police on Monday, according to local reports.

Sky Juliett Samuel was working at a Jack’s Family Restaurant on Jan. 7 when a co-worker said she saw the 18-year-old smear the blood and saliva on a sandwich and serve it to a customer, WCBI-TV reported.

The incident received attention after Samuel's co-worker's mother posted about it on Facebook, WCBI-TV reported. The victim later told the Columbus Police Department about the incident, The Dispatch reported.



  1. That is the most disturbing and disgusting innocent I ever heard of in a fast food or any place... Ashley Judd provoked this behavior by her crazy hate rant.

  2. Joe I know this is off point but I just had to repeat something I learned today. Police Officers suffering PTSD die by committing suicide at twice the rate of those that die in the line of duty. The stigma no one wants to talk about is the mental aspect of the job. Many will go unnoticed as we do not report these statics. Many officers never go forward due to the stigma attached to mental health issues. I have to wonder if the spate of officer related shootings in the last two years can be attributed to this sickness.

    All I can say is if you are in this line of work and see an officer struggling or morale, abuse of sick leave are present. Take the time to ask them. I have seen it first hand and know I have missed call to take care of a brother or a sister in need. There is help out there get them to it.

    Many Administrations are quick to punish those who seem to slide off track. It amazes me that 22 Veterans of the Armed Services commit suicide daily in America and no one seems to care.

    All Emergency Service workers should be debriefed annually and a system in place that allows them the help they need without retribution.

    We should all support our Veterans they deserve so much more.

  3. a comment to 11:54 , PTSD is a growing cancer in our society , in the military years ago we were taught to obey orders, and we did. We killed crushed and destroyed the enemy without guilt because of our training. Today we have a military that have so many backgrounds a beliefs that we cannot function properly in the defense field. In 1967 we went on patrol we killed or we could be killed . It's very simple. We all cannot not be medics .

    Back to the post , this lady should be jailed for many years without bond , spreading this could be deadly , it would be deadly if It happened to me . Nice advertisement for the fast food establishment. Of course it says something for her culture , aren't you guys proud?

  4. Mississippi breeds more than its share of stupid people.

  5. Never allow her near food service. Let her clean toilets in prison.

  6. Every friggin day its something else outrageous and truly unbelievable!!

  7. She needs to be in jail for a long time. Sick, sick, sick.

  8. She should be served the very same kind of sandwich and made to eat every single crumb. And if she throws it up, make her eat that too.

  9. She might have just won the "Queen of Nasty" award.

  10. She should serve real jail time poor excuse for a human.

  11. I would put human blood on a burger and demand she eat it. If she did not finish it put her in jail for one year. Go ahead libtard's start crying about her poor life.

    1. 1 yr ? do you know how long a person infected by this skank has to take tests for hep c ? over a year on edge give the B...h 5 yrs.

  12. She would not have to turn herself in for me her parents would b planning her funeral


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