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Friday, January 13, 2017

Facebook Takes on a Bigger Role in Journalism

Facebook is launching a journalism project aimed at strengthening its ties with media organizations to help them expand their audiences, come up with new products and generally promote trusted news in today's "post-truth" era.

The project is in its early stages and as such, light on specifics. But the company envisions Facebook engineers working with news organizations to create new ways of telling stories and novel advertising or subscription models, right from the early stages of development. The company also wants to help promote "news literacy" and support local news.

"It's very early in the process but certainly something we are really excited about," said Dave Merrell, lead product manager at The Washington Post, which is among the news organizations working with Facebook. "We worked with Facebook on numerous products over the years, but often were not involved in the product development stage."




  1. Just what we need, more fake news outlets!

  2. Fake news is all there is and what people believe is just the lie that the majority agree upon.

  3. Facebook as a news outlet is a joke. Facebook is probably the single biggest distribution of fake news by its users posting BS news. The giddy libbies were all over it when the fake russia story came out about Trump. But then nothing since the truth came out. Morons- complete morons!!

  4. The day I look to Facebook for news will be the day I give up on reality entirely.


  5. Every time you think we've hit bottom (see decline of Daily Times) someone finds a lower floor.

  6. Add a Sexbook section ...........hook-up book


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