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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Expect Schools In Wicomico County To Be Closed Tomorrow And More...1-8-17

Here's the latest. After speaking with a County Official this morning, road conditions are just plain horrible. 

Before any of you go off, understand the problem first. Because temperatures are so low, (and expect to stay that way until Wednesday) and so many vehicles packed down the snow on the roads, salt simply will not melt that snow/ice. It has to get above freezing before the salt will work. 

Even though we'll see the sun today, that doesn't mean it will help melt that snow/ice because the temperatures are so low. So we're in a unique situation.

As for the current road conditions, they're bad. They have plowed just about everything BUT there are no roads down to the blacktop, including Rt. 50 and others. If you have to get out and drive, you better drive really slow because everything is a sheet of ice. 

As for school closings, nothing is official but I can assure you, (at least in Wicomico County) you can pre plan on schools being closed tomorrow. I've also been told you might want to prepare for schools being closed Tuesday as well. 

UPDATE: I stand corrected. The salt WILL start melting the snow/ice below freezing. It's the unsalted back roads where you can expect the biggest problems. So the main roads will slightly improve but the back roads won't start clearing until Wednesday, (in my opinion). 


  1. Agreed. That "official" might want to brush up on his/her understanding of the use and actions of salt

  2. I was out yesterday and Rt 50 in Dorchester and Talbot county was much much better than Wicomico. As soon as you hit the east side of the Vienna bridge, everything went to hell.

    One important thing that might have helped - in both Talbot and Dorchester, plow trucks were out in force, actually plowing. I even saw a wave of 6 plow trucks staggered in two waves of 3 plowing 50 in Cambridge. The only plow trucks (highway plows, not private) I saw in Wicomico were 10+ sitting around the parking lot of Royal Farms west of the bypass. This was yesterday evening about 7:15, after the snow had stopped.

    I don't believe this was an issue of anything technical related to temperatures, this was an issue of logistics and poor oversight in Wicomico County. Otherwise, other counties would have had similar issues.

    1. Talbot and Dorchester got a lot less snow, too. But, whatever you say.

  3. Wicomico closes if a single flake falls from the sky. They're all about the snow days!

    1. We barely have school closings, typically only delays but with freezing temps and classes in portables at some schools I do agree we may have school closings in wicomico county

  4. So, 846, you are stating that our county does indeed have more than 1 plow truck at its disposal?

    Just remember, that for every snow day that Wi county is closed, they have to make up at the end of the year. Oh and attendance does count at the end of year too.

  5. Well I hope they make the decision to close sooner than later

  6. 8:46, So it didn't happen because you didn't see it? It is quite possible the 10+ trucks had been plowing for hours and just stopped for fuel,hot food and coffee.

    It was a coastal storm,so yes Wor.and Wic.counties got a lot more snow than Dor.and Talb.

  7. I saw those Snow Plows at Royal Farms - All of them were State Highway Not Wicomico County Vehicles.

  8. Why does every event turn into a complain/critique fest? It snowed, a lot. Roads will be bad for a few days, schools will be closed. Get over it. Unless you are a FF, LEO or in the medical field odds are that you really don't need to go anywhere today or tomorrow unless it is a medical emergency. Relax.

    1. 9:43 i agree. People are in a hurry to go no where fast. It is bad out. This amount of snow is not safe. The wear and tear on peoples cars and the waypeople drive now and especially the illegals, im scared to be out driving.

  9. 8:46 Route 50 is a state road. It has nothing to do with Wicomico County. However you are right. They do a better job clearing Route 50 on the other side of the Vienna bridge. It's been that way a long time. I guess we get less funding than they do on the other side.

  10. People that complain about schools being closed infuriate me! The school's responsibility is the keep the children as safe as possible in school and on the buses. If having your child home (inconveniencing you) for a day or two is such a problem, then maybe you shouldn't have had a child! Just because YOUR road may be clear, consider the entirety of Wicomico County - from Nanticoke to Willards, etc., which are often the last areas to be plowed. ALL children need to be kept safe, not just YOURS, and the bus drivers' safety matters just as much. Every family should have a backup plan at the beginning of the school year for weather delays and closings. It's not hard, folks.

    1. I'm on board with that. I don't understand why there are no extra days built into the school calendar. Adding days at the end should be the last option, not the first.

  11. I will not complain about the state roads guys they work over night , while we sleep.I would not like their job and they do deserve a break for food and hot coffee. Lots of back roads less traveled. You may live on one, and want it done at once, but main roads have priorities.

  12. There are several groups that clear roads, State crew clears State Roads, County Crew clears County Roads, City crew clears City Roads and some of the smaller towns clear their own roads. They all work endless hours and overnight clearing. So since all the roads are in similar shape, that says that it isn't the crews not doing their job, It's the conditions are not ideal for clearing this up.

  13. Salt is a ver effective and cheap chemical to use on snow and ice.

    The ice nucleation chemicals used to create this weather event prove how effective the military can be when they wish to control the weather. It was quite an event, and very widespread. This is one of their more proud moments.

    Our enemies will FEAR the military when they realize all of the capabilities it has at its disposal.
    GO USA! The most technological advanced military in the world!

    1. Uh, .... ok. Whatever you say buddy!

  14. Somerset got more snow and their roads were MUCH better. As soon as you hit Wicomico they were terrible. BIG difference!

    1. Somerset didn't get more snow...

    2. That unusual. Mostly you can see going into Somerset county on 13 where they actually lifted the plow blade. When I asked about it, was told because we pay less taxes.

  15. There was not 10 County snow plows sitting in a parking lot guaranteed. They didn't even stop to eat unless they ate in the truck while working.... fact.

    1. I agree. Just another hay seed making stuff up.

    2. As a royal Farms employee there was never ten trucks in my parking lot at one time they did however stop in to use the facilities, refuel, grab a bite to eat or drink then headed back out! Never just sitting idle

  16. 10:18 if I was overly worried about keeping my child safe I sure as hell wouldn't be sending them to public school in wicomico county!

  17. Always better to be safe than sorry. Also, seniors never have to make up days because graduation happens on a pre-planned specific date - regardless!

    1. This year seniors will be in school until June, not like last year when they got out 2 weeks before, thus year it's like 3-4 days.

  18. Just to let everyone know the process of closing schools. The BOE gets recommendations from the state police and the county and city roads divisions first and then they make their decision. All the blame or credit cannot be on the BOE.

  19. Too many complainers on this topic!

  20. Well, if a parent feels that the roads are too bad off, then they can either keep their child at home, or drive them themselves. The child can always make up the work. And, yes, I am a parent of a school age child in Wicomico county, and yes, it would hurt me financially to miss work. However, you make your choices.

  21. What I said in my Post is that the back roads have barely been touched. The first concern are the main county roads. By now the back roads have been packed down so much it's extremely doubtful they'll allow school buses to be send out. This is first hand information.

  22. Yes Joe.
    I live in the city limits, not a major road.
    They came by last night (thank you) and plowed a single lane, but that's all we need
    It is still all ice. Hard packed thick ice.
    This is typical no matter where you live in a snow storm, learn how to drive on it.
    Do you think in Vermont they actually see road anytime before April?
    Silly bumpkins.

    1. So risk the safety of others for the sake of what? That s not bumpkin thinking, its common sense. Work isnt going anywhere. People need to learn to sit still sometimes.

  23. School in Somerset has already been canceled for Monday. And I have to say I am proud of the way Somerset county handled this storm. We live on a dead end back road and we actually has a plow come through DURING the storm!

  24. Approximately every 2 hrs. & 10 mins a plow went by our house outside of Hebron all day long yesterday and they did a great job. These were Wicomico County trucks.

  25. Wicomico closed Monday

  26. All schools should be closed till wed.

  27. Why cant the welfare crowd get out and shovel the sidewalks ? Bring back work for da welfare in daBury.

  28. 4:27 absolutely right. If you are welfare and food stamps you should be out there doing snow removal , jury duty, and clean up litter from side of roads

    1. How about building the Trump Wall.

    2. I get 60 in food stamps. Sorry i ll be working my 40 hour + state job where i help those who refuse to work or say they are mentally unable get there 700-1000 dollar food stamps. I wasnt fortunate to have my grandparents or parents leave me a home and/or. Inheritance. I pay taxes and i learned that im going to get if not a piece of what lazy mfkers getting to lessen my stress and No i dont have a team of kids before you do what most folks do on here, generalize and assume.

  29. Dorchester does a far better job than Wicomico at plowing. Everytime is snows it is thecase. Kudos to the Dorchester plow drivers for doing a decent job on the main roads.

  30. What got me upset is why Wicomico County school employees were out clearing sidewalks and lots on Sunday knowing that schools would be closed at least through Tuesday. What a waste of OT taxpayer money. They most likely rested today on the clock.


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