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Friday, January 06, 2017

Email Headache Returns: New Clinton messages show passwords, schedules flowed freely

The election’s over – but Hillary Clinton’s emails are still coming to light. And they help illustrate why the FBI declared she was “extremely careless” with the information flowing across her secret server.

A new batch of messages released by the State Department on Tuesday shows the former secretary of state and her team routinely shared her upcoming schedules, talking points and sensitive items – such as her iPad password – via the homebrewed system.

Other newly revealed emails, which were posted as the result of litigation, show Clinton’s top advisers griping about her during her time as secretary of State; an Asian ruler who later implemented Sharia law saying he considered former President Bill Clinton part of his “family”; and Clinton talking about Justin Cooper, one of the key figures who administered to her private server.



  1. Even if Russia did hack and expose the e-mails, Clinton and the DNC and State Dept were wrong in allowing an unsecured system for official govt business. There should have been punishment as a result.

  2. And yet more Clinton corruption that nothing will be done about.

  3. It looks like (and from professionals, sounds like) the system could have been hacked by anyone with good experience. With no firm evidence to support who hacked and who didn't, blaming the Russians is foolish and dangerous. The culprits here are the Clintons (especially Hillary), the MSM, the Democrats and the outgoing prez. Let's hope that this investigation brings it all to light and that the new administration takes it to a just conclusion.


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