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Sunday, January 08, 2017

Dems renew demand for slavery reparations

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and other Democrats this week re-introduced legislation that would set up a commission to consider whether reparations should be paid to black Americans for slavery.

Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has proposed the bill in each Congress for at least the last two decades.

A description of the bill said the legislation would set up a commission to both examine the possibility of reparations, but also an apology for the "racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans."



  1. It was over 150 years ago, or 7 generations. Reparations were given back then, with acreage and a mule to farm free.

    Get over it! You all couldn't do anything but make yourselves worse off than we left you back then, which it makes it YOUR FAULT!


    1. Reparations were never paid, a handful of former slaves received land after the war but it was later taken back.

    2. Yes they where it is called Welfare.

  2. Lolololol ask trump.

  3. Hasn't there been enough reparations for blacks??? Almost every social program is geared toward them. Furthermore, I don't know about you, but my ancestors didn't own slaves. In fact, very few of our ancestors owned slaves since the largest im migrations occured after slavery was abolished. And the English didn't start it; the Dutch did by negotiating with African war-lords.
    So, Congressional Black Caucus....if you want reparations, make changes for yourselves and build up your own race. The best revenge is massive success. Stop blaming whites. If it's so bad here in America, we can take up a collection and pay for you to go back to your ancestoral homeland. What? No? You like it here after all? I thought so. Now shut the Hell up!!

  4. Funny isnt there group RACIST ??

  5. This belongs up tomm am top post lol

  6. Really
    They get there reperations its called
    Free housing
    Cell phones
    On on on.

  7. You have reparations. It is free education. The freedom to chmabe your life and the life of your children. Its the civil rights movement of the 60s. Its the GIGANTIC saftey net called social welfare that is used when inevitably you decide that staying the course is to hard. That thinking of the next generation instead of your immediate selfish needs is to much to ask. Reparations will happen over many many many peoples fead bodies. Keep beating that fead horse.

  8. Cummings conyers stfu. Those two dumber the a sack of bricks

  9. Un fn real go back.

  10. Give the X#$$$$$ and they will be broke in 6 months. Can't manage money at all.

  11. Sounds good to me, but the checks are on a bank in Africa that they have to be there in person to cash. Just think of how Great America would be if they left.

    1. How great would it be if the criminalsame and undesirablesee who fled Europe went back. The Indians would have their country.

  12. Actually I am tired of being a slave to these race baiter's, we have paid to raise multiple generations of these lazy thugs. I want my money back for they have squandered it.

  13. They can go eff their demands!
    My family of Irish & English were more enslaved than any of these whoremongers are/were.

    1. Please explain how your ancestors from England were enslaved?

  14. I say they have a better chance with their lucky numbers today. lotto, keno, powerball, imaginary horse betting, etc. there are many choices to be made each day. I think I like the 5 horse in the fifth race at chicken man tracks.

  15. Considering that nobody alive today was either a slave-owner or a slave, this is pure CRAP. These thugs simply want to extort money so they don't have to work!

    In fact, they are already getting too much money from the government in the form of welfare, food stamps, unemployment, and housing vouchers...can't wait to see the riots when all of these handouts are curtailed!

  16. OK, right after every family directly assaulted by Hitler gets their reparations. Shut up you morons.

    OR - Ill agree to take responsibility for my ancestors as soon as you take responsibility for your children. (read this somewhere not original, maybe on this blog previously)

  17. 7:54 great point.

  18. so i want reparations from them for my family members who died fighting to free them, reparations for all the taxes I paid over the last 40 years so they could sit on their asses and sponge off me!

  19. An apology and official acknowledgment of the hurt and damage caused by slavery and Jim Crow laws would go a long way towards healing some of the division. Jim Crow and similar laws, like the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, codified bigotry.

  20. Ok history lessons for all
    Black people want payment they should go and get it from the very people who took payment for there enslavement, There African kings queens and leaders who sold them in trade and yet they say they want to go back to the motherland when we tried that they were caught and resold yes in Africa. Please be thankful you were freed by an American union that help you get to where you are now just ask the first black president Obama,wait he needs a history lesson too. Nothing will ever be enough to much entitlment is going to ruin everything black people have WORKED for. I grew up in a neiborhood that was mostly a black community and I had to fight every day just to make it to and from school just because I was white nothing less #!#* that white boy up twice a day this what I had to take just to go to school and make it home. It has been like this for as long as I could remember enough is enough stop. Or it just going to make life a whole lot harder for generations coming none of us want thAt now do we.When the silence of people like me ends the race baiters win, NOT GOOD FOR ANY COLOR.

  21. Lincoln offered free boat rides back to Africa. Some took it. Most didn't. Integration of schools allowed blacks to the same education opportunities offered to whites. Some worked hard to succeed in life. Others didn't. Welfare has been a disservice to minorities in this country and will continue to be until it ends. All capable of working need to go to work. That's what will make America great again.

    1. They knew where there bread was buttered.

  22. Just another fine example of a filthy culture trying to exploit the taxpayers. If they dun't like it, then they need to seek this from their African captors that really started and still continues the slave trade to this very day.

  23. Dave T: Black man, what's a matta for you? eh? you needa more money so you can attack anotha helpless disabled white man?

  24. Here's an novel idea: Give them their reparations,and cut off every other give away program out there. Probably way cheaper in the long scheme of things.

  25. Sure find me one that is still alive and we will take care of them. The heirs should be out of luck!

  26. This racist POS does this every year.

  27. Payback All the welfare and then we will talk.

  28. seven dollars and thirty-four cents and we should be even

  29. I feel sorry for them, many cannot afford keno by the end of the month

  30. Anthony Johnson was the first American to legally own a slave and he was Black. So WHO's responsible for slavery ???

  31. Those idiots can hang it up unless they want to bill graveyards. There will be no reparations and the Black Caucus is just blowing smoke up everyone's butt. Wonder why there's so much race tension? This is it. Morons like Conyers do this crap because they think it makes their base excited. Black people should be offended by the Black Caucus because all they do is keep them living in a cesspool of victimhood. Why not appropriate money to the ghettos instead of ginning up this crap ever so often? They don't want to fix racism they'd lose their revenue sourcing. Learn to discern, kids.

  32. It is called Food stamps

  33. 9:02. Hit the nail right on the head. Victimhood keeps their base fired up. Instead of looking in the mirror, it's easier to blame everyone else.
    The 12-step method to recovery starts with admitting you have a problem.
    And what did the "White Caucus" say about this issue?

  34. We all pay too many taxes to take care of the now.

  35. 10:12 your on to something there give them the option.

  36. What about the 750,000 WHITE men that gave their life in war to free the slaves? Does the 3500 black slaves owners of 10000 give money or get money or does is minus each other out?

    1. They forgot about little things like that esp when its correct.

    2. Smh. Miseducated. The reason the slaves were freed was to help decrease the wealth of the South to insure they could not become independent from the north. The south were planning to build their own factories. If they had succeeded, the North's economy would have crumbled.

  37. Just their actions like this should qualify as a hate crime.


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