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Friday, January 13, 2017

Delaware Preps Roads For Yet Another Possible Storm

"Just saw Deldot spreading liquid salt on road next to my shop".


  1. I think that's Biden's manure spreader. Carefully, it's slippery when wet.
    Did you see that Obama gave him and himself awards to add to their resume'?
    "[That's] a big f*#!ing deal" - Joe Biden to Barack Obama after signing the [Un]-Affordable Care Act

  2. Dan says there wont be much to speak of.

    1. O no translation a foot of snow!

  3. I hope this is not the same chemical that has been used up north that in a very short period of time will destroy the under carriage of your vehicle.

  4. Oh hell, 4:34 if that is what Dan said get the shovels out and be ready to dig!!!


  5. Obama's summer camp - all my buddies are getting prizes!

    Next up the pardons list, which should be as thick as NYC phone book used to be.


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