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Friday, January 13, 2017

CVS Selling Generic Version of EpiPen at a Sixth of Price

CVS is now selling a rival, generic version of Mylan's EpiPen at about a sixth of its price, just months after the maker of the life-saving allergy treatment was eviscerated before Congress because of its soaring cost to consumers.

The drugstore chain says it will charge $109.99 for a two-pack of the authorized generic version of Adrenaclick, a lesser-known treatment compared to EpiPen, which can cost more than $600.

CVS Health Corp., the nation's second-largest drugstore chain, says it cut the price of the generic version of Adrenaclick nearly in half. The lower price is now available at all CVS stores. The chain runs about 9,600 retail pharmacies in the United States, including several locations inside Target stores.

The emergency treatments are stocked by schools and parents of children with severe allergies. They are used to stop anaphylaxis, the potentially fatal allergic reactions to insect bites and stings and foods like nuts and eggs.



  1. It's still overpriced.

  2. I agree with 1:07, it is still way overprice as compared with most other countries. In Canada it's only around 20 dollars for the same medicine.
    It's not just prescription or health, we are being ripped off by insurance companies, utilities, and Cable TV. Until something is done to regulate these industries, I don't see any change coming anytime soon.

  3. yes 1:07 it is.
    I have to carry as a bee sting preventative.
    If they do not get used I throw them in the trash.
    That equals $100 in the trash each year.
    Yes it is better than being dead, but "lifesavers" should not be so expensive.
    Shouldn't be a toss up between, I am going to gamble with my life today because I do not have $100 to throw away.

  4. $109.99.

    I'm always suspicious when there's 99 to the right of the decimal point.

  5. and yet narcan is still free

  6. Oh so now the evil death dealing front for BIG PHARMA CVS is supposed to get our sympathy?

  7. CVS must be huge to accomplish this.

  8. 1:39 How much is your cable bill and cell phone bill each month?

  9. It's still TOO EXPENSIVE!

  10. Bernie Saunders probably has one with him....old man !!

  11. All the Gouging Pharm companys are Raping America
    with excessive thousands of percents in mark-up prices

    Nothing Done about it.........blame the Gov !!!!

  12. Hillary and Uma need one too .....since They Lost !!!


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