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Monday, January 09, 2017

Conway to Biden: Thanks, Your 'Failed Policies' Allowed Us to Usher in the Trump Era

They lost the election in 2010, 2014, 2016

Friday on Fox News Channel’s, “The O’Reilly Factor,” President-elect Donald Trump’s adviser Kellyanne Conway reacted to Vice President Joe Biden telling Trump to “grow up. Time to be an adult. You’re president.

According to Conway, it was Trump’s policies that made it possible for Trump to be president.

Conway said, “It’s really disappointing to hear the vice president speak that way, not surprising. To what is he referring, the fact that his Democratic party under his watch, he’s been the number two guy in the country and in the Democratic Party, they lost over 1,000 state legislative seats, they lost over a dozen governorships, a dozen senators, they lost 68 House seats since he got there. They lost the election in 2010, 2014, 2016. In large part because of the policies he supports like the awful unaffordable, inaccessible care act, Obamacare.”


  1. I LOVE THAT WOMAN! I really believe she is the reason Trump is moving to D.C.


  2. She is bright, disciplined and takes no prisoners! Love it!


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