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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Conservatives are peaceful, law-abiding people but we must stand up to militant bullies

Inauguration Day was turned into Retribution Day as hordes of angry leftists set fires, smashed windows and clashed with police to protest President Donald Trump.

It was the kind of reaction I predicted in my new book, “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again.”

Rampaging mobs caused mayhem across the fruited plain – but especially in our nation’s capital. In several instances, conservatives were attacked outside Inaugural balls.

Some were left bloodied and battered. Police were pelted with rocks and batteries. Many businesses were vandalized. Car windows were smashed and a limo was set ablaze.

One group of violent thugs spat on and assaulted a Gold Star widow and her sister. They were attacked as they tried to enter the Veterans Inaugural Ball.

It’s all part of an effort to destabilize the nation and delegitimize President Trump’s victory.

The following day scores of self-described “nasty” women, held profane gatherings across the country to protest the new president.



  1. I was offered free tickets to the inauguration because of my support but declined b/c of the planned protests. I can't afford to be injured by a violent paid rioter. It was tempting to attend the balls when I learned the price was only $50. How nice the average American can afford to attend! Again I decided not to go. I am disgusted with the fear mongering and nasty behavior of the left. I spent the entire day watching the inauguration in support. We shall not be silent anymore!

  2. At least this is contributing to the economy by all the money these people were paid to act like protesters.

  3. These idiots were paid anarcists who want to overthrow the government. They do not vote.


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