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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Comptroller's Office Opens New Regional Call Center at Sea Gull Square

SALISBURY, MD---Salisbury University President Janet Dudley-Eshbach welcomed Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot and other dignitaries for the ribbon cutting of the state’s first remote customer call center at Sea Gull Square on the University campus.

“I am so proud to be a Marylander,” the President told a standing room only audience, praising the bipartisan efforts of Franchot and the elected officials from both parties present. She also lauded the work of the Comptroller’s staff, including Chief of Staff Len Foxwell, an SU alumnus. The Maryland office has been recognized nationally for the quality and speed of its service to taxpayers.

The call center brings 25 new jobs to the region.

Franchot, who was born in Connecticut, is fond of referring to SU as the “Yale University of Maryland” when addressing campus audiences, a goal the SU President smilingly referred to as “aspirational.”

Salisbury Mayor Jake Day said, “I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be aspirational,” as he spoke about the City’s goals for downtown redevelopment. The Mayor praised the teamwork of the Comptroller and also the President’s transformation of the campus Route 13 skyline, something he’d like done for downtown.


  1. This is what government does when a retail space is failing. It's like moving the IRS or a satellite post office or a recruiting station into a dying mall or strip center.

    Not to say the service isn't needed, the location at SU is a dead-end for privately-owned eateries and retail, so it's being propped up by the Comptroller's Office.

  2. The rent on Seagull Square is very high. The state couldn't find a more affordable location for a small call center?

  3. High rent neighborhood for a call center. Sounds like Mayor Jake would have liked it better downtown, and he's probably right.

  4. Yes 25 government jobs now that's something to brag about.


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