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Monday, January 09, 2017

Census: Minority youth over take whites in 2020, 50% under 18

The population of politically influential whites in America is expected to shrink 14 percent, a shortfall that will be made up minorities who by 2020 will represent over 50 percent of all 18 year olds and younger, according to a new analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data.

The Brookings Institution, in making the case for government spending and attention to the new minority-majority, revealed the Census expectations.

The 2020 Census will show that more than half of Americans under age 18 are racial minorities. Going forward these groups along with African Americans will provide all of the nation's child population gains as well as all future gains in its labor force.


  1. What will be done to instill American values in all of those kids? We've already turned so many Millennials into whining victims and a loot & pillage class, among others. In those few years what can be done to turn this around?

  2. Not once Trump cuts off da welfare.

  3. Will they still be called minority when they are majority? In schools they appear to be the majority to me.

  4. are we counting ones in prison also?

  5. Wait. Since when can the majority be the minority? Or vice- versa? This is 1984 doublespeak, if anyone is that educated! George Orwell lives!

  6. time to crank up planned parenthood!

  7. The minorities are breeding like wild animals, because the government has raised their kids financially.

  8. They may be the majority in the population but they will damn sure never be the majority in the workforce because the majority of them don't work.

  9. Whites are only a minority to all the other minorities COMBINED. As a minority, whites are the largest minority over any and all the other minorities, and by a large percentage. Statistics can be deceiving.


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