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Sunday, January 08, 2017

Captain John Massey Of Maryland Natural Resource Police Arrested For DUI & 4 Other Charges

Address:9317 TEN POINT CT
City:BERLINState:MDZip Code:21811

Involved Parties Information
Name:State of Maryland

Officer - Arresting/Complainant
Address:9758 OCEAN GATEWAY
City:BERLINState:MDZip Code:21811

Charge and Disposition Information
Charge No:1Statute Code:TA.21.902.A1

Speed Limit:0Recorded Speed:0Location Stopped:RT 611 N/O SINEPUXENT RD
Probable Cause Indicator:NoContributed to Accident:YesPersonal Injury:2
Property Damage:NoSeat Belts Used:No
Mandatory Court Appearance:YesFine Amount Owed:$0.00
Vehicle Tag:D11871State:MDVehicle Description:HARLEY MC 1999 MAROON
Convicted Speed:0Contributed to Accident:NoPersonal Injury:0

Charge No:1Statute Code:TA.21.902.C1
Speed Limit:0Recorded Speed:0Location Stopped:RT 611 N/O SINEPUXENT RD
Probable Cause Indicator:NoContributed to Accident:YesPersonal Injury:2
Property Damage:NoSeat Belts Used:No
Mandatory Court Appearance:YesFine Amount Owed:$0.00
Vehicle Tag:D11871State:MDVehicle Description:HARLEY MC 1999 MAROON
Convicted Speed:0Contributed to Accident:NoPersonal Injury:0
Go to Maryland Case Search for additional information.


  1. Real upstanding bunch we have running the show around here! Think they'd break the laws concerning your rights?

  2. How many DUI boat tickets you think this clown has written, yep...above the law. Everyone under hims a law breaker too!

  3. OH MY, its getting good during the offseason!!!

  4. DWI on a Harley?? How stupid!
    I guess all those times I got pulled over on the Assowoman Bay - and not being impaired- and him giving me the riot act. Karma's a bitch!
    But, I'm glad law enforcement are NOT scratching each others back- like the former Pocomoke Chief. Hat's off to Officer Edwards.

  5. Almost made it home... So frustrating!

  6. Was he riding with the tiny sheriff?

  7. Yeah that jerk gave me a fine for poaching because we stopped on side of road to show our 7 yr old daughter the two deers. They came up on us like a cops episode, we driving a little ford aspire. No weapons but a outback blomming onion in car. Cost me $50. Karma i say, karma

  8. If he caught you DUI he'd kick your teeth in for you.

  9. Lil Bastard wouldnt kick my teeth in!! Another Napolean complex! Little body....BIG ego!

  10. nothing but the finest here in maryland! bet that trooper is gonna catch all kind of crap. shame for doing the job others are blind to!

  11. He'll be looking for a pardon from Obozo.

  12. he should go back to flowers unlimited

  13. John is a good guy. The man made a mistake he is only human. We are all so quick to kick a person when they are down. Those of you commenting probably do not know this man at all. He will pay his pound of flesh and move on. I am sure he gives a rat's ass about what you think of him. We will all stumble as human-beings it is how you get up that marks a man. I have been knocked down and fallen down so many times my knees are callused. You have to rise and breathe. It is all you have to do. You really have no other choice.

    Hang in there John this will pass.

  14. He'd been ok if he didn't wreck his bike.

  15. Hard drugs and alcohol....yeah he's the kinda "good guy" you want toten a gun n badge, most know him as the guy that'll throw the book at you when your only human...only made a tiny mistake..take your property...fines ....possible jail time....thousands in attorney fees....lose your job....tagged in the system forever

    1. Hard drugs? John never has ever touched hard drugs. You must be a typical eastern shorite who likes to run their mouth anonymously.

    2. Where did you manufacture hard drugs? I guess you're the kind of person that kicks someone when they are down. Jerk.

  16. How did he wreck his bike? Did a rogue squirrel run out in front of him? Oh no, wildlife is turning against the fish cops!!!!

    1. Well I heard from some DNR officers that he had lets put it bluntly screwed them over to benefit his career

    2. Just like Brent Black of MSP. Screw everyone and anyone to get ahead.

    3. What does Brent Black have to do with anything? It sounds like you are a scorn trooper who was bypassed for promotions! Brent works closely with his church on ASP... what have you done lately except vent about Black!

    4. Is this his wife or his girlfriend defending him? So, he works closely with his church and that makes him great huh? Well, Jimmy Swaggert worked close with his church too. Look at how well that worked. How many priests have molested children? Working hard for a church means NOTHING. It's how you live your life every day and treat others that is the measure of a man. Ask Troopers what they think of him. Don't be fooled by a wolf in sheeps clothing.

    5. And you are a scorned trooper!

  17. Anonymous said...
    he should go back to flowers unlimited

    January 3, 2017 at 1:23 PM

    Didn't she dump him?

  18. I played baseball with him.

    What happened to professional courtesy? Why couldn't trooper drive him home? How does the young whipper snapper know he was taking drugs?

    1. Do they drive otherwise law abiding citizens home who have made the mistake/misjudgement of driving impaired?

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    John is a good guy. The man made a mistake he is only human. We are all so quick to kick a person when they are down. Those of you commenting probably do not know this man at all. He will pay his pound of flesh and move on. I am sure he gives a rat's ass about what you think of him. We will all stumble as human-beings it is how you get up that marks a man. I have been knocked down and fallen down so many times my knees are callused. You have to rise and breathe. It is all you have to do. You really have no other choice.

    Hang in there John this will pass.

    January 3, 2017 at 2:53 PM

    I know him and I support him. I think the Trooper that arrested him was a pure dick. Give the man a break, he puts his life on the line for us every day now. More than most of these smart ass commenters do for us.

  20. I have been around a lot of folks and been present a few times when this guy acted like a total jerk to boaters and fishermen. Don't care for him and I suspect he acted that way to Trooper at the time he was ticketed. Aint God Good!!

  21. @ 2:53 pm yeah, he must have fallen down a lot to have to take all those medications (controlled dangerous substances) that he is probably using as an excuse for his future DUI defense. What were those meds? Pain killers for sore knees for all those promotional tests? Give me a break! I have heard too much about this Captain John Massey to fall for this crap. Reading these posts, he has treated the public horribly. You say these other commenters (sp) do not know him, but by what I have read, they have had direct contact and a horrible experience at that. If you think he is a good guy, you must have had something he wanted and he must have been sucking up to you.

  22. May be he should have stuck to baseball! Seems like they handle drug users better than dnr

  23. I remember this guy, he's the one that would ride around with a multitude of different shotgun and rifle shells on his dash, claiming he could make any case he wanted stick..... typical thug with a badge. Someone needs to let the judges know that these leo's are human too...if they can dui, they can sure as hell lie under oath {and they do!}

  24. dang....taken the whole gang out! Is Fergie next?

  25. I love how all these people post anonymously. Real men would stand behind their words. Typical Eastern Shore. One of the worst places I have been in my life and I have visited a shantytown in India that I have more respect for and would rather live.

    1. Lol, so y'all can target them. I dnt even have a personal stake in this just a daily anonymous commenter. Apparently this man has ruffled some feathers. I usually only see this amount of comments on race related issues. Love it!

    2. Then why u here? Live rich in shanty india.

    3. Sam he know u got his back. Lol

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Davis Ruark 2.0 ! .... Heck, I heard through the grape vine that Massey's own agency (Maryland Natural Resources Police) would not come to pick him up (what does that say?)...hands off... Can't confirm...just saying. At least Sheriff Mike Lewis had the courtesy to pick up Davis Ruark. But if that is true about Massey,.....sad....sucks ....sorry...see you down the dirt road of life!

  28. @ 6:19 Sam Barber...have you been with Massey from cradle to grave? Is cocaine a hard drug? Since you are so close to Massey, look Massey in the eye and ask him this one simple question...HAVE YOU EVER SNORTED COCAINE? I bet he can not keep eye contact when he answers that question...

  29. MNRP are a 2nd rate wanna be cop shop. Wicomicos own Jim Wilson, check out his sons MD case search, Forrest Wilson, and see first hand the curruption with favours and hippocrates.

  30. Is this the same police officer that beat on his former wife and mother of his children?

  31. @ 6:28 Sam Barber. Funny how you trash the eastern shore...but you are "worldly". If this is "One of the worst places" why do you even care to check in on us? are you a plant?...and what the heck is "a typical eastern shorite"...go back to India and eat curry! :) We eat crow here! :)

    1. I feel you. As far as im concerned we eastern shore folks are creme de la creme. What u see is what you get good bad racist, caring and all. Those over the bridge put on this fake pretenious air, feel the same way, but live 1 bullet from erasing their worries living beyond their means pretending to be so much and no better then anyone else and originating from the shore and south. Salisbury gets on my nerves but i b damned if i'll let other places us knock us, especially when they break their necks coming down here to dirty up Ocean City. Hell even we go away for a real vacation.

  32. Professional courtesy!!! Are you kidding? Would I get professional courtesy? He needs to get his un-professional ass professionally booted out the door! He should not be working on tax payers money. Go find a real job.

  33. We are not talking a speeding ticket here the guy was drunk wrecked his MC and 2 people were injured if the trooper let him off he would have been wrong.

  34. We eat crow here! :)
    January 3, 2017 at 9:26 PM

    Good come back!!!

  35. Whatever happened to innocent till proven guilty? The comments posted here are opinions, like the old saying goes, everybody has one except when it comes to a Court of Law. The trooper in question was doing his job and no one on this blog can minmize or criticize that. Let's try something different, let the case be tried in the Court of Maryland and not in the court of public opinion!


  36. Don't know this guy. But if he was DUI DWI or drunk and on a motorcycle that's all I need to hear. If nobody was injured he's lucky.

    It appears he's generated a lot of animosity while at work, and that a couple of folks like him. That scale's not tipping in his favor.

    Think he should retire and find something else to do. I'm glad the trooper didn't treat it like the recent Pocomoke City scenario.

    And as a kicker, very close by where the new campground is proposed. Glad he's the only impaired driver ever on 611.

  37. Waited too long for a comment , but here goes. He made a mistake , he will be punished , so get over it you true red neckers. Most of the comments that criticize him are from the poachers , and law breakers that don't abide by any laws. They are true eastern shore butt breaths , your day is a commin!

    1. I'm not a poacher or law breaker, but it's obvious that this guy falls in one of those categories. He needs to be treated like anyone else that's done what he did. Nothing is worse than a do as I say, not as I do hypocrite.

  38. Did everyone notice how WBOC picked up this story from Salisbury News, (exclusive, no press release) and ran with it this morning. Absolutely no credit given to SBYNews, yet they regularly credit other sources when they use their information. Craig Jahelka, it's going to be a very interesting 2017. Put your seat belt on because this is going to be a ride WBOC has never experienced in the past.

    1. Yup. The haves & have nots. They had to. Covering their media tales

  39. You mean they did not give him a Ride home, as is Usually
    done ???
    He must be an asshole, who his fellow officers despise !!!!

    They threw him under the Bus !!!!

  40. Ride to Live
    Live to Ride...impaired

  41. Overheard at MNRP Commanders damage control meeting on Tues Jan 2;
    "Guys we need to get our buddy off on these charges, otherwise, who's gonna maintain our personal lawn irrigation systems for us?"

  42. John, you are pathetic. Stop trying to get Mike to have Adam pursuade MSP to cover this up

  43. "I don't always drink beer, but when I do I take drugs and drive"
    Stay dirty my friend!

  44. Anonymous said...
    Overheard at MNRP Commanders damage control meeting on Tues Jan 2;
    "Guys we need to get our buddy off on these charges, otherwise, who's gonna maintain our personal lawn irrigation systems for us?"

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    MNRP are a 2nd rate wanna be cop shop. Wicomicos own Jim Wilson, check out his sons MD case search, Forrest Wilson, and see first hand the curruption with favours and hippocrates.

    Could not agree more, MNRP a bunch of "do as I say not as I do" ego-maniacs.
    Well documented in last 3 academy classes 56,57,58 how they are "training" the current officers. Hell NRP provides rides to "volunteer drunks" as part of their training fiasco that the tax payers of Md pay
    Can't contest the facts that will be exposed just like this guy's behavior has been exposed.
    And yeah - these jerks should be required to follow the law they enforce.

  45. The fix is in!
    Massey is a Freemason.
    He has a get home free card!
    Prior, natural resources police captain Mike B, for the lower Eastern shore is a Freemason.
    Prior natural resources police Capt. Mike's brother is Judge Bloxom of Worcester County.

    Intel in Worcester County is that Retired natural resources police major Mike H. who is associated with the Worcester County Sheriff Department now, was in contact with Massey.

    Everything is set.

    Nothing to see here folks, everybody just go home. Nothing happened.

    1. The teflon captain has alot in common with the Teflon Don!!!!!

  46. You were set up John, she set her sights on that Capt position...

  47. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Overheard at MNRP Commanders damage control meeting on Tues Jan 2;
    "Guys we need to get our buddy off on these charges, otherwise, who's gonna maintain our personal lawn irrigation systems for us?"

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    MNRP are a 2nd rate wanna be cop shop. Wicomicos own Jim Wilson, check out his sons MD case search, Forrest Wilson, and see first hand the curruption with favours and hippocrates.

    Could not agree more, MNRP a bunch of "do as I say not as I do" ego-maniacs.
    Well documented in last 3 academy classes 56,57,58 how they are "training" the current officers. Hell NRP provides rides to "volunteer drunks" as part of their training fiasco that the tax payers of Md pay
    Can't contest the facts that will be exposed just like this guy's behavior has been exposed.
    And yeah - these jerks should be required to follow the law they enforce.

    Stereotype much? 2nd rate wanna be copshop? The men and women who attend the same academy as Maryland State Troopers PLUS extra training beyond that? Who exactly are they second rate to? Explain please. And the response about that well documented information concerning the last classes? Where's your source? I mean, since it's well documented go ahead and bring that to light. It should be easy with all of the documentation. Correct? No. Stop with your keyboard warrior generalizations. All cops aren't bad just like all teachers don't sleep with their students, all priests don't molest young boys, all football players don't beat their significant others, all white people aren't racist, all black people aren't thugs... and the list goes on and on. You sound ignorant and your words just solidify it. Did he do something wrong? Clearly. Getting behind any vehicle while impaired and putting the lives of others at risk is always wrong. Clearly. No one is arguing that. Should he face the same charges that anyone else would face for doing so. Absolutely. Would several of us potentially lose our jobs if we were in the same situation. Yes. I certainly would. BUT Are you a judge? Juror? Prosecutor? Defender? Detective? Do you have anything at all to do with the case or anything to say that is the least bit productive? No. You're both hateful. Ignorant. And come off as an angry, scorned people who must have had a few too many violations and clearly have something against police officers. Even the second rate ones. If you feel the need to find fault with an entire organization due to your run ins with a few- you're the problem. Carry on. Disrespect those cops in person the next time one cites you. Good luck with that. Nah, you'll just continue to do it behind the safety of your computer screen. Winners.

    1. Puhleeze.....these guys DO NOT attend the same academy as MSP. Not even close.

    2. Yeah must be real hard going to a bs academy to learn how to write your own mother a ticket .

    3. Yup lol
      M ommies
      S ugar
      P lum

  48. Whoa there Mr. Lawman, For the most part I agree with you but you're comment is not without some attitudinal "issues" showing through. Wouldn't want to be the next law abiding citizen you mistakenly stop. Or do you not really believe your words about the fallibility of leos? If you are human in your personal life you are human (vulnerable to mistakes) in your professional life. And yet I've NEVER heard a leo admit a professional mistake!

  49. Comparing NRP To MSP is like comparing Cub Scouts to the Marine Corps. You got incorrect information. He had no right to refuse the chemical test of breath or to try to intimidate one of Maryland's Finest

  50. Could not agree more! As author of comment that received venom above starting with "stereotype much"
    Well documented = social media posts. You DO realize once posted it is there FOREVER even if they remove the comment?

    Shared, reposted - once posted it is there forever seen by multitudes and thus "well documented"
    Hopefully you are following the status of the next generation of NRP officers we as tax payers are supporting?

    Things such as NRP rookie cop barely 6 months out of academy posting video of themselves IN UNIFORM BEHIND WHEEL OF STATE PROVIDED VEHICLE breaking more driving laws than I care to count. Video has been circulated and has hit radar of cops watch dog group.
    Another rookie posting photo while on mini vaca using state vehicle under premise of providing enforcement statewide and they post photo of the STATE PROVIDED COMPUTER from vehicle streaming some favorite tv show while a bottle of wine is posted next to the computer where state property tag is clearly visible with some asinine caption. So they are postured to respond how? Under the influence?

    On and on and on WELL DOCUMENTED ON SOCIAL media. I am NOT some NRP or cop "hater" quite the contrary.
    I have served my country/nation in uniform as military for over 26 years and as a civilian protecting our nations homeland for a total of 38 years service to my country. (Much owed to Marines who provided cover when I was under fire with no weapon - saved my butt! Semper Fi brothers!)
    Much disgusted by this Md police force who has recently proven that they are clearly missing the mark on infusing their officers with sense of maintaining their core values.

    My allegation documented? Social media public postings.
    Does not get any more documented than social media!!!! It's there open your eyes. It's way too late to put the lid back on
    For the record - you are welcome for my 26 years of service

    DO NOT even attempt to compare NRP to MSP! Boy Scouts to Marines! I go with the Marines every day.
    BTW - as an NRP supporter maybe you can tell one of the recent grads - "no" it's NOT "all about the birds and the travel" (Social media posting) And as tax payers in MD we did not pay for 30 weeks of LEO training, room and board and salary to have this rookie spend 7 months doing ZERO law enforcement because it's all about the birds!

  51. Whoa!!! don't get your panties into a wad MSP...NRP. You are brother...or if you want to be politically correct sister agencies.

    You got Maryland Natural Resources Police Capt. Ed Johnson as a teaser, check Salisbury news post 12-26-16 6 AM.

    Now you have as a burnt offering, (the head), Maryland Natural Resources Police Capt. John Massey...

    Stay tuned, next up will potentially be a case on another Maryland Natural Resources Police officer. Coincidentally...it is ANOTHER CAPTAIN!!! OH NO!!....this one will take more time due to it possibly being a criminal case...

    Where the heck is Maryland Natural Resources Police Internal Affairs???...Oh that's right, I think they are busy reorganizing...

  52. Dang just when I thought it couldn't get any worse Another Captain!!!!!! Sounds like they need to get better mentoring! What is going on they sound like they are the keystone cops! I remember when they would be checking the waterman. Now they ride by in a big shiny pickup looking like they are better than we are. A waterman told me he ain't been bothered in about 2 years in the Tangier Sound. Everyone s happy he said

  53. When they lowered the standards in the 70's law enforcement quality has dropped. Most of the officers today would have never made it on height requirement alone not to mention intelligence requirements.

  54. PBJ . ..game warden or not PBJ will be the outcome.?Was he armed? If so that's a a Whole new ballgame

  55. Anonymous said...
    Puhleeze.....these guys DO NOT attend the same academy as MSP. Not even close.

    January 8, 2017 at 10:20 AM

    They are real police officers and they have more authority than the MSP troopers.

    BTW how do you know the difference in the two academies?

  56. Msp do NOT have more juice than MNRP
    Mnrp has more juristiriction than msp.

  57. Speaking of juice . You'll sound just like what you are a bunch of juiced up under achievers with guns who have been indoctrinated to believe you are more intelligent, entitled and gifted than those that pay your salary. Grow up please

  58. Politics as usual. Whats good for the goose. He should be treated like the average joe. Y'all be careful cause after reading all of this he gon be pissed to say the least. The taxpayers are bout to boost the economy. He definitely gon be doing some heavy fining. Lol

  59. I wish you guys attempting to defend Maryland natural resources police would shut up! Your grasp of the English language and grammar.....atrocious! Your ignorance and lack of education are a flag for the world to see. My son's sixth-grade English teacher would take you out onto the playground and flog you. And believe it or not this blog site is worldwide with over 40 million hits.

    You are only making Maryland natural resources police look worse!!!

    Check out the comment January 8, 2017 at 8:48 AM. That commentor's statement is showing to be more truthful every time you post...

    1. I find it hilarious that the only thing you care to comment on is people's terrible grammar. Haha

  60. Its pronounced ...
    Grammer IS atrocious.

  61. 9:58
    Pronounce it anyway you want but it is spelled grammAr.

  62. I'd really like to know how old this information is. Any date of the offense is conspicuously missing. Am I the only one that noticed the missing key information? This could have happened 15 years ago.

  63. It clearly states on the post "Go to Maryland Case Search for additional information."

    So it is not "conspicuously missing"


    There you will see violation date 1-1-17 and filing date 1-2-17

    All you have to do is read...

    Very simple...

  64. It is my opinion this "play boy"wannabe "armchair " riding" "Monday morning quarterbacking " "hells angel wannabe " should just quit and save DNR any further embarrassment or criticism. They were a fine group of Game Wardens and Marine Police when Col. Jack Taylor was their leader and mentor. Yeah I remember back then, it was a respectable Agency. They did their job and did it well. My sincere condolences to the State of Maryland. May God Again Bless and Guide that Agency its Leaders and Field Agents!!!

  65. First let me clearup a few things, the comment from 1/8 at 8:48 am is correct. The qualities of both agencies went to hell. I remember those days vividly when the MSP had the height requirements and felt you all were heroes from my upbringing. I would later have the privedge of working with some of your generation. The comment of 1/10 at 5:12 pm is also correct regarding Col. Jack Taylor being the last of the best of MNRP then politics got way too involved dropping standards and honor. These agencies have both strengths and weaknesses now in honor and promotions with at least the majority being loyal and honorable. Bickering between the agencies accomplishes nothing. I have friends in both agencies and proudly stood in honor of both at funerals of both.

    This problem involves one bad apple not entire agencies. This individual was rewarded by corrupt officials as was Capt. Ed Johnson of last months fame. Any citizen having official confrontaion with Captain Massey can reveal conduct unbecoming. He and others were rewarded for destroying evidence of a MNRP shooting years back by Then Col. Steve Chaney along with other officers. That is not to say the officer was in the wrong, but that crucial evidence taken during the incident was destroyed by Massey by orders from the chain of command. As to this recent encounter it is my understanding this was not his first offence during which he berated a young trooper into letting him go. This time he alledgedly again acted like an ass to the troopers, but this time it didn't work. As to those who critisize Trooper Edwards i find it irresponsible and a discredit to their profession. Personally if he had been in my command I would commend him for upholding the values and honor of both agencies. I only hope politics and corruption don't get the way of justice. And an officer known to alledgedly threaten officers and citizens alike for personal gain.

  66. Regarding comment of January 6 2017 would you please identify cop watch dog group you referred to? I have info they might be interested in. Thanks

  67. A court date has been set for Captain John Massey in Snow Hill in Worcester County for April 24th 2017 at 9:00 in room room 1. It is suggestered you periodically you check with the Maryland Judiciary case search to ascertain any changes.

  68. Retired cop here, we too are human,what had to be done regarding the incident has been done as far as I can see, a cop is a cop so dnt sheriff or municipal, we all bleed blue, this man is going through hell now, stop with all the mud slinging and Monday morning quarterbacking,

  69. I remember John from the mid-80s. We started working for the Defense Mapping Agency in Bethesda on the same day. We were assigned to the same New Employees Orientation Course and ultimately the same department. He stuck around for awhile, but he wasn't into the job. He said there was no future in the job, so he left to go work in Ocean City as a cop. Most of our class stayed on and became GS-14s and 15s. John was a slacker at the time... and always bad mouthing DMA. He had a "don't mess with me" attitude and I didn't like being around him. The comments I've read don't surprise me.

  70. At least he was caught before he could make full bird colonel like the one in the 7o's and 80's that was tearing up bars while black out drunk. Several times we were called to pick him up and cover for him. Didn't like working under him.


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