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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

BREAKING: Obama Has Abused Israel for 8 Years – Now Look What Trump Is Doing!

Barack Obama has spent eight years doing everything he can to make Israel weaker, while trying to give legitimacy to Palestinian terrorists. Thankfully, Obama is out of office now, and Donald Trump has vowed to be more friendly towards Israel. And he’s just made a decision that shows he’s taking that promise seriously.

It has been announced that Trump will be moving the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
trump embassy
There has not been an official statement made yet, but it seems that we should be getting one soon.
Israeli sources are also reporting about the embassy move:



  1. Everything at once is not good.Everything he's done is great,just not all at once.

  2. He is insane...that is why it is happening all at once.

  3. lol, "Obama made Israel weaker". Yeah, how about you take a look at all of those receipts from treasury before you spew that nonsense. This is one "ally" who clearly knows how to play Mom and Dad (Dems and Reps) to keep their allowance going.

  4. Good Job Trump > About Time things are put in Order !!!

  5. This is how you conduct a business. You get things done in a timely manner. You don't take retreats 2 weeks after coming back from the holidays to learn how to talk to "regular folks".


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