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Sunday, January 08, 2017

BREAKING ALERT: Obama Just Dispatched Special Forces To Russian Border Overnight

Reports indicate that Obama has made yet another brash move toward starting an all-out war with Russia. Because, you know, why not?

According to Express, our President has just ordered special forces to what is essentially Russia’s front door. I don’t see this ending badly at all.

Asta Galdikaite, a spokeswoman for the Lithuanian Defence Ministry, said: “The United States was the first to offer additional safety assurance measures to the Baltic countries following the deterioration of the security situation in the region after the annexation of the Crimea”.

She added: “US Special Operations Forces presence in Lithuania is one of the deterrents” against threats from Moscow.



  1. The idiot still persists with stupidity .

  2. Omg wtf is wrong with him? Tussia has done Nothing..My nephews were were deployed and for what? This Idiot.

  3. Lock Obama up then Hillary.

  4. 644 if he didnt do this and Russia simply roled into the Baltic just as they did to Crimea you would be saying the same thing. Face it. Right or wrong, POTUS has long stopped listening to the rookie arm chair quarterbacking of folks like you who obviously have no clue how to objectively assess facts and come to a conclusion.

    1. Based on the emails during the election how can you believe ANYTHING coming out of the White House??

    2. Assess facts and come to a conclusion. Pay for play, ignored request for help the fall of our embassy, getting questions before the debates, unprotected servers, attorney general meeting the husband of the target in the investigation, president on unprotected emails, more riots in history of US, highest taxes in history, highest cost of mandatory health insurance or go to jail if not paid, highest student debt in history, the most cops dying in history and worst race relations in hundred years... not even going to mention the billions of missing money and drone kill programs... the list goes on and on. Probably why trump WON over 3000 counties in the USA.

  5. Wait to see what "stupid" president elect does. Doesn't want to offend Putin and have his shady corruption revealed. Show me those taxes.

    1. Clinton will be indicted along with half of the Democratic Party before you see trumps taxes on Golf courses and other property's.

  6. The horse has already left the barn. Now, B. Hussein Obama is trying to close the door. The bully has already taken over the playground and the little boy in panties doesn't stand a chance. He needed to stand up to Putin years ago, not after he and Soros made up a false hacking election-influence narrative. I don't believe anything he says anymore.

  7. He is trying his best to create a legacy , sorry about that.

  8. 7:06 that shipped sailed a long time ago. sending special forces in now is just a stupid mistake to possibly start a war. Putimn views your hero as a weak worthless female. that is because that is exactly what Obama is.

  9. I guess obama wants to start WWIII on the way out the back door and then have his boys that he released from gitmo attack the rest of the World?.

  10. Although something should have been done long before now denouncing Russia's aggression, why two weeks before leaving office? Simple. To complicate matters for the winning Republicans. Trump and his team will deal with Putin in time. Iran, Russia, N. Korea or China could easily start WWIII thanks to Clinton selling us out at the turn of the Century. The liberals' policies have brought us to where we are today. Total failures!

  11. Do anything to cause chaos for the new President

  12. 7:14 why are you so worried about Trump's taxes? You democrats are too much. I hope you worry and obsess as much about Clinton's pay for play which was proven to be true as you do about Trump's taxes. He will release and you will see there's nothing there and when that happens I am going to be around to tell you people TOLD YOU SO. It's another democrat lie. If you haven't figured out yet that all democrats are pathological liars then you have been reduced to nothing more then a liberal tool. And just like the all obeying slave tool you are you repeat the nonsense. If there were anything amiss about those taxes you are a fool to not think someone in the obama admin IRS would have leaked them. All they could find was that he took legally allowed losses.

  13. Is Lithuania a member of NATO, if not what are doing there?

  14. Putin knows he is dealing with an adolescent idiot.

    He won't give this a second thought, knowing that Trump is the one he needs to work with.

  15. Relax, everybody. Putin knows Trump is going to pull them out in exactly 15 days, then join forces with him to defeat radical islam. The only problem there is that all of islam needs to be defeated.

  16. He is absolutely CRAZY !!


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