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Sunday, January 15, 2017

BIKERS FOR TRUMP Reveal Crazy Awesome Inauguration Plan- Libs FREAK!

Inauguration Day is looking to be a very exhilarating day in American politics. It’s always electrifying to have a new president sworn in, but given the contention surrounding President-elect Donald Trump, this Inauguration Day has the potential to be very disruptive.

Along with the many liberal groups preparing protests on Inauguration Day, the group “Bikers for Trump” has succeeded in securing a permit to hold a assemblage of their own, according to The Washington Times.

Reportedly, this permit was only granted to the bikers after the National Park Service Office declined their first permit request. The Bikers for Trump have disclosed what they will be doing instead.

Chris Cox, the founder of Bikers for Trump shared what he did to remedy the situation:

“I wasn’t happy. I told her I had thousands and thousands of bikers coming into town, and if she didn’t give me a spot, they were going to be just mingling around and would end up hanging out where all the Trump protesters are, and there’s going to be big problems and then people are going to wonder why.”

Looks like that was plenty to frighten the Park Service into doing their job, and allowing the supporters a space to do their thing.

The Bikers for Trump have now secured a permit for 5,000 people, though they are expecting many more show up for the rally.



  1. Is Lil Mikey taking his new Harley or his armored truck? You can bet he is going to the inauguration at the taxpayers' expense.

  2. Why be so nasty???!!! No excusable reason😖

  3. How was that nasty? Is he short? Yes. Does he have a new Harley and an armored vehicle? Yes. Will he go on our tax dollars? You can take that to the bank. Many agencies are brought in for security along with local agencies. Dollars to donuts, he has been on the phone with Fox News and anyone else with pull to get his dept. invited to participate.

  4. And I bet if you dig into this story at all, you'll find this little narrative here is all fiction

  5. These guys are incredible. They show up at events all across the US and line up to make a human wall to separate protesters from a patriotic event or funeral for military or police officers. They fear nothing.

  6. God bless bikers,the new American Cavalry.

  7. I love Bikers for Trump. With that said though I am not sure what the turn out will be or how real the story is. Often Bikers for Trump rely on Bikers to come in from all over the US but being that this event is in the middle of Winter even the most hard core bikers may find it impossible to travel to the event. You just cant't rely on the weather not producing Ice and Snow in Late January to count on thousands of bikers to attend to an event.

    1. Bikers can drive cars and trucks also. It's ok. And most will be. Unless you feel that 5000 positive working class people have to be on a bike to come. That's on you.

  8. Thank God for the bikers and may God bless them with safety while they are there.

  9. Why can't people stick to the issue instead of going off on some diatribe about how lousy a Sheriff they think Mike Lewis is? Mike Lewis is the Sheriff of Wicomico County, elected by the people. If you don't like him as your Sheriff cast your vote in the next election because your complaining isn't going change anything until then.The motorcycles the Sheriff Dept has didn't cost near as much as some have said on here a loaded Harley Ultra Classic is $25,000, and in some cases a Fleet Discount is offered. The Police Bikes come stripped down with some accessories and they are added as needed.They are paid for with confiscated drug money. This money is divided among Agencies and there are only certain things this money can be spent on by law. If it upsets you so much why the Sheriff wanted two motorcycles why not call or go see him and ask him. As to the inauguration every Sheriffs Dept in Maryland,some Local PD's and the State Police have already participated in security details in Washington DC, Washington DC is a District not a State and cannot handle by themselves these types of events and most if not all Agencies will receive Federal Monies to offset these Agencies costs.As to the Bikers I salute them all, its been estimated there will be 500,000 protesters, who some are paid, and under the guise of the 1st Amendment, using the 1st Amendment as an excuse to disrupt the inauguration because they don't like Trump or Conservatives in general. I'd venture to say just their presence alone will be an asset to Law Enforcement. All this moaning,complaining, and verbal attacks which serve no one is just getting old.

  10. 10:23 Are you Mikey's mommy?

  11. This is a reply to anon at 6:31am.
    The group that you refer to is the Patriot Guard Riders. I am a member of this group and am both blessed and honored to be able to give back in a small way to our fallen heroes. However let me state very clearly, Patriot Guard Riders is NOT a politically affiliated as a group. PGR members are of course free to attend any event they wish but there is no connection to the bikers for trump event. PGR mission is only to honor our fallen with no political influence at all. Thank you, Linda Wainer

  12. Glad to hear the bikers will go and that they have a permit to do so. Imagine the trouble if they did collide with the protesters. I'm thinking it would get ugly quickly.

  13. 9:08
    I'm thinking you may be underestimating bikers, by thinking Bikers For Trump will be challenged by bad road conditions.
    I see conflicting reports of numbers attending, but with only 5,000 Bikers For Trump and 500,000 protesters that could be a problem. The protesters had better get more back up.Lol


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