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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Aspartame in Diet Soda Linked to Significant Health Issues, Tumors

They’re a popular mealtime beverage for millions of people who believe that by drinking them, they’re avoiding the pitfalls of sugar consumption. But diet soda pop is neither healthy nor safe, as research continues to show that its primary sweetening constituent in most cases, aspartame, is a damaging neurotoxin that can lead to a host of chronic health issues, including cancer.

The largest study of its kind ever conducted on aspartame was put together by researchers from the University of Iowa. They looked at 60,000 women who consumed aspartame-laden diet beverages over the course of 10 years and found that those who consume two or more diet drinks per day are significantly more prone than other women to develop cardiovascular disease — and to die from it.

The paper compared the health outcomes of women who consume diet beverages to those who don’t, observing that those who do are 30 percent more likely to suffer some kind of cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke. Among those who suffer such a fate, those who consume aspartame are 50 percent more likely to die from it compared to non-diet beverage drinkers.



  1. We can thank gates for aspartame. Did you know it's the fecal matter of e. coli bacteria? Now why would anyone think eating the poop of a dangerous bacteria that can kill you was a good idea? Thanks FDA for the nothing job you do. Another worthless govt. agency Trump should end.

    1. Uh...you do know that every person hashould E coli in their digestive system, don't you?

  2. How is the FDA allowing this poison.

  3. When they introduced this into chewing gum, I quit buying this years ago. It's really scary. You have to read the ingredients for every product you by in the supermarket. You can bet this will be in anything that says "low Calorie".
    Splenda as well. High Fructose Corn Syrup is also really bad for you.
    Just have to read your labels!

  4. The US food supply is all poison. Between all the chemicals and additives that the human body was not meant to eat.

  5. Another wannabe moron at 756. HFC is simply sugar. Thats all. Eat too much and you get fat and die. In this study, the diet drink consumers were fat bodies who smoked. What did you think was going to happen. These same fat bodies were already consuming regular soft drinks and are now trying to get over those by doing diet soda. Honey, the diet soda isn't going to help if its being used to wash down a hoagie. This is simply another fearmonger article.

    Its pretty simple folks. Eat right and excercise. You know, those words from the doctor Michelle Obama repeated that you guys claimed were so radical. The rest is up to God.

  6. Watching TV politics is bad for you too!!!

  7. Duh, women who consume diet sodas are typically overweight and obese, or why else would they consume them? Everyone knows that (obesity) is the main cause of cardiovascular disease. This is a fake study that only shows a correlation (relationship) between cardiovascular disease and consumption of diet sodas. The study cannot draw any conclusions about cause and effect. Some doctoral candidates at the University of Iowa were just running out of subjects to research. They could have done a study of women who buy and wear plus size clothing, and found a correlation with cardiovascular disease, as well. But that wouldn't have had any significance to the committee judging the dissertation for the doctorate. Like fake news, this is fake research with an agenda.

  8. I have known for years that aspartame is poison.I recall the pinnacle of the aspartame craze,when Nutrasweet was mailing out gumballs sweetened with it to people to try it out,in the late 80's.Why do you think PepsiCo is offering Splenda-sweetened diet drinks now?

  9. Lets all send a case of this, from each one of us, to Hillary Clinton!


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