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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Angry Feminist Who Wants Same Rights As Guns Gets LEVELED With EPIC Response!

Boy this freaking Women’s March has really caused an awful lot of …. stupid. Well, Obama’s America has already proven to be the nesting place for stupidity and ignorance, but this March? Well it’s just brought the stupid to a whole new level… am I alone on this thought?

It’s just so… what’s the word? Insufferable.

Now, let me make my point.

Look at this picture. The woman is holding up a sign that says:

“I dream women will one day have the same rights as guns.”

See what I mean? Stupid.

However, this woman’s attempt at being witty, totally backfired on her pretty darn badly. Hindsight on this one is going to drop kick her butt to Timbuktu. I have no idea where that is, but it sounds far far away from here.

Gun rights Across America has responded…



  1. I think the stupid was already there - it's now becoming public knowledge via the 'speak-up-and-remove-all-doubt' premise that we've all heard of!

  2. Gun Rights across America really know how to shoot from the hip. Fire away.

  3. That stupid woman who wants the same rights as a gun should see what Big Joe has to say.

  4. I must have missed something along the way. Please, tell me again what rights guns have, because I've always been under the impression that guns have exactly the same rights as every other inanimate object, which is none. Is that what she's asking for, the same rights as a toaster?


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