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Friday, January 06, 2017

America to Obama: Stop now. You lost.

Kevin Lee believes the main point of last year's election was a wholesale rejection of President Obama's policies.

"So I wish the president would stop pushing those very same agenda policies like Obamacare, or issuing more executive orders and tacking on more regulations as he is walking out the door," said Lee, the president of Lee Supply Company in this Mon Valley town.

"These are issues and policies voters clearly wanted nothing to do with," he said.

Since November, Obama has conducted a flurry of actions and issued executive orders that have not just irked Trump voters, but also many Democrats.

"His tin ear has been breathtaking," said Anthony Ripepi, a 54-year-old chief of surgery at a suburban Pittsburgh hospital.

Ripepi also found Washington Democrats standing behind Obamacare praising the law on Wednesday an amusing stage setting, "considering I have not seen or heard anyone of them running on the merits of that law since it was passed," he said.

Obama made it clear in his interview with his former chief strategist David Axelrod last month he believes he and his policies would have beaten Donald Trump last November. He is reinforcing that belief by continuously issuing executive orders and attempting to salvage his unpopular Obamacare.


1 comment:

  1. Another example of Obama not living by his own words. Remember when he told McCain "I WON".


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