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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Affordable Housing Required for Every Town, Rules New Jersey Supreme Court

In a decision that could reshape hundreds of communities, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that municipalities must allow the development of affordable housing for poor and middle-class families whose needs were ignored for more than 16 years.

The state's top court voted 6-0 to reject arguments advanced by several towns, Governor Christie's administration and the League of Municipalities, who said local governments faced no legal requirement to provide affordable housing for poor and middle-class families during a period spanning from 1999 to 2015.

The ruling — and dozens of recent settlements negotiated separately by towns — are likely to spur the development of tens of thousands of affordable housing units in New Jersey over the next decade. But it is unclear exactly how many. Estimates vary widely and the Supreme Court did not settle that issue Wednesday.


  1. Post the judges address and put them up near them.

  2. Good houses behind Best Buy, those refrigerator boxes are huge!

  3. property taxes almost the highest in the nation. How those poor people gonna afford that? guess the rest of the taxpayers will pay so they can live by the beach!

    1. Ask the idiots Ireton and day they are putting them in waterfront housing.

  4. I've a few family members still living in NJ. All blue collar types. Their property taxes are 9-15k a year. All are looking to move out of state.

  5. Liberal NJ says it all.

  6. 5:23 and MD is such a conservative blue state????


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