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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Abolish The CIA

Every American who looks at the CIA objectively or in a balanced way and judges it by any number of criteria, such as moral, legal and pragmatic, should reach the conclusion that the CIA should be abolished. JFK wanted to break it into a million pieces. Trump is right to dismiss its intelligence reports about DNC hacking. The CIA war on Trump shows us immediately that the CIA is a rogue organization within the U.S. government and a severe threat to America.

The CIA is an internal threat to the rule of law and to the government that it supposedly serves. Senator Schumer acknowledges the CIA’s unbridled power, its subversive power, its power to undermine even a president, especially one that wishes to control or alter the organization, when he says:

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. For a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”

Schumer is saying that the CIA is so powerful that a president should not attempt to control it or else! The CIA is so powerful that elections do not matter when it comes to the CIA. The CIA stands alone. The Constitution that empowers the president as the Executive, the boss of government operations, does not matter. Basic American institutions and laws must bow before the threats that the CIA possesses. This is the assessment of a Senator beginning his 4th term and who is the highest ranking Democrat in the Senate in his post as minority leader.

The CIA is an organization that perpetually undermines traditional American values and moral values. It consistently kills innocent people. It continually causes instability and wars. It undermines other societies and our own. It interferes constantly in foreign nations, to the detriment of them and us. It is an unelected power that challenges elected officials. It favors abuses of power, including torture. Its actual value at generating usable intelligence is minimal, often wrong, often misleading, inaccurate and harmful as in the WMD that were never found in Iraq.



  1. No > Lets Abolish the American KGB > The IRS

  2. The Agency needs gutting and new hires with strengeon background checks. Shadow government has to end now.

  3. Cia is to powerful. Who do you think runs the drug cartels. $$$$$$

  4. The IRS keeps us all as a TAX Slave !!!
    NO Taxes are really needed, it was started in WW2
    to help with the WAR ....it was Not supposed to be Carried ON .........and it has Ruined America !!!

    If you Make Money , why do you need Our Money ???
    Because You (the Gov) are GREEDY !!! That's Why

  5. last time a President planned on dismantling the CIA, he was given a nice slow cruise through Dealey Plaza.

  6. break it up! to dirty to full of career opportunists! clean out the crap!


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