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Sunday, January 08, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Fake News Via Omission


As a mini-personal experiment, I checked the major news sites several times today to see how they spun the atrocious hate crime on the poor mentally-challenged white man by the four blacks in Chicago. Very few were mentioning that the perpetrators were black. Very few were mentioning the victim was white. MSNBC and ABC doesn’t even show it in the top news stories. All but Fox were downplaying the entire event. Unbelievable! Imagine if it was a cop or 4 whites beating a black man!! We would see banner planes blaming Trump. Jesse and Al would be there right away on their private jets. This is another example of the MSM bias – not only by reporting their polarized views- but by NOT reporting a major story that would dispel the beliefs of their liberal supporters, by not allowing them to see a video portraying a hate crime by blacks. This is not by accident. It is a choice by the liberal editors to let you see what they want you to see.

And on the sites that did allow me to see the video, the “N” word was bleeped out along with the other explicatives, so as not to offend their liberal viewers with the word ‘nigger’. These were blacks using the word “nigger” yet they tell us that is offensive to them. I’m confused.

Thank God for sites like yours that allow us to see the news UNFILTERED. It’s funny how your site seems right leaning, only because it’s just unfiltered news, without the liberal bias. It seems strange to read news without the bias- kind of like putting your shirt on backwards.

So, when I see “Officer resigns after video shows him punching woman” or “Pot group to give Free Joints on Inauguration Day” as “TOP STORIES” on ABC and NOT showing this story that was talked about by millions, it is PROOF that the bias is there. Even the snowflakes cannot deny it.

January 20, 2017 cannon come soon enough.

Happy New Year!

A never-ending supporting-supporter of SBY NEWS.


  1. So true!! The leftist media is as anti-American as it comes. Was also stated on a CBS report that "the victim was eventually released". Police reported he escaped when 3 of the low life's left the apartment to kick in the downstairs neighbors door for calling the police over the noise.

    At one point you can hear one thug say "we fixin to put this n***** in the trunk". They had every intention of finishing what they started, the neighbor calling the cops saved this kids life.

  2. Now you know a little of the pain that black communitys has suffere for centuries. Sick feeling huh? It sickens me they did it and pray they suffer for it.

    1. At the hands of other blacks.

    2. Keep voting democrat.

    3. Keep voting radical Democrat!

  3. A new Saw movie for these thugs.

  4. White people are so mad they can't use the word n***** it's funny. Know what, maybe your ancestors shouldn't have made it a word to demean us. US using it and you using it is two different things. Now with that said quit acting like black people like crime and poverty it makes our point that whit people don't get us and only watch us on tv and think that represents us all. This crime is just that. I don't care what channel it's on. Stop with the MSM and fake news and all that dumb mess. Go to work take care of your family and mind your business and you'll be fine. Stop worrying about what other people do when it doesn't effect you. No wonder white America is so hateful in today's society you'll care about to much nonsense. Just like trump. Being a young black yes I voted for Hilary but do I care trump won. No I don't because work starts at 6 and school gets out at 215. That's what matters in my life and I do go out around here, I enjoy myself wherever I go. Yes I'm born and raised here and have seen it come and go but fortunately for me I was taught to mind my business and take care of my life. Food for thought......what you eat don't make me s**t....meaning it doesn't matter because it doesn't effect you

    1. Yawn
      200 yrs ago man move on things where NEVER this bad in America until us White people voted in a black president so go crawl back in your hole.

    2. Huh? Your grammar is so poor, it's difficult to understand. But what I get is that, on a post about thugs kidnapping and torturing a mentally disabled kid, you believe that white people are angry about not using a word? "Stop worrying about what other people do"? On a story about kidnapping and torture. Nice use of a Jay line by the way. But "it doesn't matter because it doesn't (a)ffect you?" On a story about kidnapping and torture. You get how ridiculous you sound yet? Or nah?

  5. I work at a high school and hear that work MANY times a day and it is always coming from people of color. I have never heard a white kid say it. Most of the time the word is used in a derogatory manner.

  6. Richard Pryor, Chris Rock and Eddie Murphy made millions saying that word.

  7. 7:47 Racism is taught; prejudism is learned from experience. Almost 40 years ago, while waiting for a bus in Baltimore, my freinds and I were 'jumped' by a group of young blacks. One of us was well trained in martial arts and it probably saved our lives, if not further injury. We did nothing to provoke it- just being in their hood was enough. I still have a scar from that fight. And, just last month, a black WiHi student crossing the street started yelling "f*#k Trump" over and over. I told him to clean up the cursing and he started beating on my car. Am I racist? No. Prejudiced? You could say a little ...and not because I can't say nigger. It's from my experience with racist blacks.
    Don't play the white guilt on me. Been there, done that, got that t- shirt. 50 years of your economic oppression is not my fault for being white. It's your fault for electing politicians who pander to your race.

  8. Buzz cut their hair off when they lock them up for a long time. That will remove the cocky snears on their faces.

  9. Obviously, honor students.

  10. Eagle Scouts too....@5:22 AM

  11. Not just Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton but where is Obama making a statement about this one. Where is he on coming on about a hate crime on whites?


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