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Thursday, January 26, 2017

10 Things We All Did in School That Are Banned for Kids Today

Things sure have changed from when I was a kid in the '80s! I was contemplating the "rules" for my kindergartner's Halloween party at school and it dawned on me how much has changed from when I was in elementary school. There are so many things they can't or don't do anymore and some are kind of sad.

10. Playing Dodgeball at Recess

I remember racing Justin Thompson everyday from the top of the stairs all the way down to the far tennis court to see who would get there first. Everyone wanted the far court to play a tough game of dodgeball. I still remember the smell and sound of that red gym ball as we would wind up to strike our victims. It was glorious. Too bad my kids won't ever know what a good dodgeball victory feels like because it's been banned by most schools for being too dangerous. Somebody may break their face off. What a pity.



  1. So sad. Glad I grew up in the old days. No wonder kids today have so many problems. They can't play games and that is what they were. Dodge ball, touch tag. Could even leave school at lunch time and go to the drug store, which had a lunch counter, and get whatever we wanted to eat. Or just have a soda or sundae. There truly were the good old days.

  2. What we didn't do is disrespect our teachers and administrators or else We all got our butts whacked by the principal for it.

  3. we got whipped at school with a paddle, played "smear the queer", and everyone bought a coca cola after school.

  4. How about the shooting team?
    When I was in high school, we had a shooting team that competed with other high schools just like the basketball team

  5. (70 years old)...Walked to the bus stop to catch a city bus in downtown Philly from 1st to 5th grades. I was safe though, because my sister (one year older) was with me, but she would usually ditch me 'cause she didn't want to be seen with her little brother.
    From 7th through high school we usually hitchhiked to save the bus fare (parents didn't know about this!).
    Yes, we ran into some creeps, but we knew how to handle the situation. We learned.
    Can't imagine that today.
    Times have certainly changed.

  6. Forgot things like Pledge of Allegiance, daily Bible verse, reciting the times tables, practicing X's and O's in preparation for learning cursive on paper with a dashed center line, or, God forgive, landing a juicy spitball just above the blackboard.


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