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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Whites Turning Dakota Pipeline Protest into Hippie Fest

Tension is brewing within the Dakota Access protest as complaints grow about outside activists trashing the camps, mooching donations and treating the anti-pipeline demonstration like a Burning Man-style festival for hippies.

“Need to get something off my chest that I witnessed and found very disturbing in my brief time there that I believe many others have started to speak up about as well. White people colonizing the camps,” Alicia Smith said in a Facebook post.

“They are coming in, taking food, clothing etc and occupying space without any desire to participate in camp maintenance and without respect of tribal protocols,” she wrote. “These people are treating it like it is Burning Man or The Rainbow Gathering and I even witnessed several wandering in and out of camps comparing it to those festivals.”

Her Nov. 14 post, now making the rounds on social media, said outsiders are “literally subsisting entirely off the generosity of native people (AND YOUR DONATIONS if you have been donating) who are fighting to protect their water just because they can.”

A local deputy who asked to remain anonymous told WDAY AM’s Rob Port that most of the protesters are white, and that some have used racial slurs against black, Hispanic and American Indian officers.



  1. Let's have another Wood Stock like in 69 !!!

  2. Hell Marajuana is Legal now .....be a Hippy !!! yea

  3. It sounds like something Soros would fund to tease more anger out of someone.

  4. Get those Bands to play ,like Crosby,Stills,NAsh
    like 69, wine and dine !!!..........

  5. If they were blm it would be on fire and gun shots.

  6. oh well, they don't have anything better to do. its not like they're gonna go look for a job, mommy and daddy will take care of those poor angels

  7. The article described white protesters pretty well but failed to mention they are democrat moochers.

  8. As we turn to the rest of the country, twenty percent of the States in the Union are running out of water as we speak. Now, call me crazy, but currently, there are 2 million miles of gas distribution pipelines crisscrossing the United States. Has no one considered maybe it might be a good idea to throw up a few ground or surface water pipelines to add to the mix?
    “What do I need that for, so long as I have gas to drive to the store to buy some bottled water I’m good?”

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If they were blm it would be on fire and gun shots.

    November 30, 2016 at 12:35 PM

    There has been fire and gun shots.

  10. 2:14 liar there have been no gun shots the water protectors are unarmed.

  11. These are the grandchildren of the same freeloaders who ruined San Francisco in the late '60's and early '70's. It was cool back then, but the stoner bums and the people who preyed on them turned it sour.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:14 liar there have been no gun shots the water protectors are unarmed.

    November 30, 2016 at 4:47 PM

    I never said the water protectors were the ones firing weapons.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:14 liar there have been no gun shots the water protectors are unarmed.

    November 30, 2016 at 4:47 PM

    Why are people so rude? And why do people run off at the mouth issuing insults when they themselves don't bother to read the articles and news reports, (and let's not forget the live feeds)?

    Or do you not recognize the firearms the police have fired at the protestors because they were using rubber bullets? Or do you even know about the rubber bullets? You know, the rubber bullets cops were firing at the protester's heads causing damage to their skulls and having to go to hospitals to stop the bleeding. Or the rubber bullets that hit people in their eyes and might be blind now.

  14. Four dead in Ohio, Kent State, died from rubber bullets. I remember my History.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Four dead in Ohio, Kent State, died from rubber bullets. I remember my History.

    November 30, 2016 at 9:48 PM

    Obviously not. Those were not rubber bullets the NG soldiers fired at the students.

    During their climb back to Blanket Hill, several guardsmen stopped and half-turned to keep their eyes on the students in the Prentice Hall parking lot. At 12:24 p.m.,[27] according to eyewitnesses, a sergeant named Myron Pryor turned and began firing at the crowd of students with his .45 pistol.[28] A number of guardsmen nearest the students also turned and fired their rifles at the students. In all, at least 29 of the 77 guardsmen claimed to have fired their weapons, using an estimate of 67 rounds of ammunition. The shooting was determined to have lasted only 13 seconds, although John Kifner reported in The New York Times that "it appeared to go on, as a solid volley, for perhaps a full minute or a little longer."[29] The question of why the shots were fired remains widely debated.

  16. Jeffrey Glenn Miller; age 20; 265 ft (81 m) shot through the mouth; killed instantly
    Allison B. Krause; age 19; 343 ft (105 m) fatal left chest wound; died later that day
    William Knox Schroeder; age 19; 382 ft (116 m) fatal chest wound; died almost an hour later in a hospital while undergoing surgery
    Sandra Lee Scheuer; age 20; 390 ft (120 m) fatal neck wound; died a few minutes later from loss of blood
    Wounded (and approximate distance from the National Guard):
    Joseph Lewis, Jr.; 71 ft (22 m); hit twice in the right abdomen and left lower leg
    John R. Cleary; 110 ft (34 m); upper left chest wound
    Thomas Mark Grace; 225 ft (69 m); struck in left ankle
    Alan Michael Canfora; 225 ft (69 m); hit in his right wrist
    Dean R. Kahler; 300 ft (91 m); back wound fracturing the vertebrae, permanently paralyzed from the chest down
    Douglas Alan Wrentmore; 329 ft (100 m); hit in his right knee
    James Dennis Russell; 375 ft (114 m); hit in his right thigh from a bullet and in the right forehead by birdshot, both wounds minor
    Robert Follis Stamps; 495 ft (151 m); hit in his right buttock
    Donald Scott MacKenzie; 750 ft (230 m); neck wound

  17. Hippies smell bad man. Sorry dey breaf stinks and day smell like azzzz man.

  18. These people who think it's fun to be a hippies are so dam stupid.I really am sick of this crap..it got cool in the 90s again and it was stupid then. GET A LIFE! All u want to do is be lazy smoke pot and your so burned you support any cause so you can do that.As for the natives I thought minorities were racially tolerant, guess there are colored racist!Even though people think the racism unicorns don't exist..they do.


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