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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wake Up Eastern Shore

San Francisco grapples with growing crime, blight after years of liberal policies

San Francisco is earning a growing reputation for more than just its unmatched tech sector – for critics, the city stands as a profound example of the damage ultra-liberal policies can do.

After 20 years of envelope-pushing changes to grow government and ease law enforcement, the once-shining City by the Bay has turned into a place where:

Property crime runs amok

Discarded syringes are common sightings

Public urination is so widespread it has damaged subway elevators and escalators, building walls and power poles

“There’s a very tolerant attitude, you can very much do anything on the streets you want,” said Marc Joffe, director of research at the California Policy Center think tank. “As members of a civilized society, there are things you should ​not accept. But we have ignored that … and there is nobody on the other side setting limits.”



  1. Oh the "Bury" is moving quickly this way. Unless our Mayor and City Council make some quick changes in our police department, this town will mirror big city crime. Ironically just last week while sitting in my car with three children, two (we will keep race out of this) males on dirt bikes come up behind me on art 13 by the "S" curve. Both dirt bikes riding wheelies drove down the middle between traffic. The light at the old Giant was red. They stopped looked at each other with no helmets discussed something until light turned green. They pulled wheelies and rode down past Delaware tire before going between cars and gone. Having worked in Baltimore city, I saw this all the time over last two years. Mayor, City Council and citizens of Salisbury, unless something is done welcome to little Baltimore City. This act shows the disrespect that people have about law enforcement in this town. They don't care and know nothing will be done. Sad so sad that the Mayor and City Council sit in their board room discussing changes in downtown and fail to address the real issue that will kill this city. I hope and pray that someone behind those closed doors does something. Changes need to be made. I also don't understand why local news discuss nothing about all the internal issues surround SPD massive personnel loss and SFD. Keep your head in the sand, elections are coming.

  2. There's no coming back from this abyss. I've started floating my resume.

  3. If God gave the world an enema He'd put the nozzle in Salisbury! I'm out of here and taking my family with me!

  4. See the same guys all the time around the former BOE building.
    Gang in Baltimore does this

  5. Mayor Day and duncan have to GO.

  6. Liberalism is a failure unless their goal was to diminish America.

  7. MD has followed California in Liberal policies for the last 20 years. Where has everybody been? I forgot / a mental lapse Md is full of Liberals that hold our politics hostage with their heads in the sand.


  8. Whenever I see Jake I wonder where Ernie is!


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