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Monday, December 05, 2016

US Military Develops 'Multi-Object Kill Vehicle' to Blast Enemy Nukes

Defensive weapons that can intercept and destroy enemy missiles before they can harm the United States or its allies have been a key part of military strategy for decades, but the rules of the game are changing.

More countries have or are developing long-range missile technology, including systems that can carry multiple warheads, known as Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicles (MIRVs) and/or decoys.

"Both China and Russia possess the MIRV capability for their ballistic missiles. In 2014, reports confirmed that Iran too had developed Multiple Re-entry Vehicles (MRVs) for their ballistic missiles. Cold War literature suggests that MIRVs are first strike weapons and could be strategically destabilizing," independent consultant Debalina Ghoshal wrote in a June 2016 report for the Federation of American Scientists.

"The United States realizes these threats and is working towards a robust missile defense system," she said.

Last year, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency awarded contracts to Raytheon, Lockheed-Martin and Boeing to begin designing what is known as a "Multi-Object Kill Vehicle" or MOKV, which could destroy several objects in space with a single launch.

"Ten years ago, we had a single kill vehicle on a single interceptor. Kill vehicles today are the size of a toaster..

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  1. Believe it or not,there is actually a counter measure for this weapon in the works.Any time a sophisticated weapon of any type is developed the blueprint is BOUGHT by our enemies,or aquired by any means necessary.Before this device becomes a reality it's Achilles heel has already been established.The general public should never have been given knowledge of this.

  2. Star Wars program from the Regan era.

  3. Our so-called Leaders think only about WAR and DEATH.
    Modern society is being inducted into a Death Cult.
    We worship warfare and those who participate in it.

  4. And the dems gave Regan hell over the same idea. We need this if I case little Kim decided to launch a missile!


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