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Thursday, December 29, 2016

UN resolution condemning Israel is Wiesenthal Center's top anti-Semitic incident of 2016

The latest diplomatic ambush of Israel was only made possible by the US’ historic reversal of its decades-long Mideast policy of vetoing one-sided anti-Israel initiatives at the United Nations Security Council.

President Obama's ambassador's “abstention” last week at the United Nations was actually an endorsement of an onerous one-sided resolution that among other items, defines Judaism’s holiest site as “occupied Palestinian territory” and encourages nations to undertake the boycott of goods made by Jews in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. That's why we've named it our top anti-Semitic incident of 2016.

Make no mistake. This new resolution—developed with the Obama administration’s knowledge and some say with its collusion -- is much worse and more dangerous than the U.N.'s notorious 1975 Zionism equals Racism resolution.

It radically undermines, if not destroys, Israel's relationship with the U.N.

It makes any role for the U.N. in future Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations impossible.

To date, there has been not a word from President Obama and his Secretary of State, not a peep from the hypocrites seated around the Security Council about the real obstacle to a two state solution, the continued control of Hamas in Gaza.

More here


  1. Why is any criticism of Israel (government) considered anti-semetic (religion)

  2. This what you get from a con-artist Muslim. That has never proven his US citizenship in the last 10 years. The Nobel Peace Prize Obama received should have been for the best con-artist of all times.

  3. 10:09
    To know who rules over you, one must ask, "Who am I not allowed to criticize?"

    Ask yourself: Who owns Wall Street? Who owns the big banks? Who owns Hollywood? Who controls campaign financing?


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