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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Tulane Protesters: White Students Must Be Held Accountable for Racism

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – During a demonstration on the Tulane University campus, protesters largely from social justice organizations demanded white students be held accountable for perceived racism on campus.

With chants like “White silence is violence,” social justice warriors marched across Tulane campus holding signs reading “White students: No one has to do everything, everyone has to do something,” claiming their campus was full of racism, according to the Tulane Hullabaloo.

The student newspaper reported that the demonstration was “in response to a lack of action from Tulane” regarding racism on campus, but did not cite any specific incidents.

Roughly 10 organizations promoting multiculturalism demanded “accountability from white students in regards to deconstructing the racism on Tulane’s campus,” the Hullabalooreported.

The Hullabaloo reported that such racism at Tulane impacted the “personal safety and human rights,” but did not cite any reports of violence against minority students on campus.



  1. Hopefully this will end soon

  2. I bet 8 out of the 10 idiit students where white clueless millinials, do they relize there killing off there own kind ?

  3. Fluff, like dryer lint, a protest without a cause.

  4. They are trying to abuse and intimidate white people.

  5. Sounds to me like someone does not like white people. Oh well, buck up snowflake, YOU sound like the true racist to me.

  6. The more I hear about this perceived racism the more disgusted I get. Black so called leaders are responsible for stirring up hatred and they do it to line their pockets. White students are being suckered by blacks and ultra liberal politically correct teachers. If everyone would just shut up and do what Martin Luther King hoped for and judge a person by the extent of their character and not the color of their skin we would all be a whole lot better off.

  7. ALL racism should be dealt with. All of it.

    It is wrong, no matter who is doing it.

  8. Asking that "white" students take some personal/collective responsibility for their part in a culture of white supremacy is an important first step in seeing the world as it is- and then seeing what it could be.

    1. I call BS. There is no white supremacy, that's just a race baiting word. Everyone is born the same and have the same opportunities, some do not take advantage of these and they make bad choices. That's on them and they like to cry racism instead of owning up to their bad choices. AND just because someone says something is racist or offensive doesn't make it true. If you truly want a better world quit spreading the lies and hate.

  9. 7:49 lets try that again, but this time in English

  10. Maybe the white students don't get involved because they simply don't want to. At this point in time "what difference does it make" to rehash issues that were already going away. It is only the BLM types that are bringing these issues back into the light because it helps to drive unrest. Let's face it, with each new generation, the ideas of the past subside. Today's kids are far less prejudice than our forefather's generations.

    I believe that you cannot force anyone to change their principles, this has to be done on their own. With time these things will work themselves out.

  11. I count 15 white snowflakes and 3 blacks ? Clueless millinieals.

  12. Sounds like these snowflakes need to visit the 1960's south and then they can tell me how "unsafe" their campus is. "Those who refuse to learn from history are destined to repeat it"!

  13. Trump needs to buy them some play dough and put them in a safe room to cry for a while and then all should be well

  14. what about black racism ?

  15. The race card was cancelled on November 8th, Trump 2016 and beyond!


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