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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Trump: 'Ridiculous shame' for son Eric to stop fundraising because of 'possible conflict of interest'

President-elect Trump on Friday called it a "ridiculous shame" for his son Eric Trump to stop fundraising for charity due a "possible conflict of interest" with his presidency.

Eric Trump this week announced he will no longer fundraise for his personal charity by auctioning off meetings with people close to his father due to the appearance of selling access to the White House.

The Eric Trump Foundation last week canceled a coffee date auction with incoming first daughter Ivanka Trump. A planned charitable hunting trip with Eric Trump and brother Donald Jr. in honor of their father taking office has also received accusations of selling access.



  1. I guess the Saudi's weren't the winning bidders....

  2. An Honorable call from Honorable people.........

  3. Someone that is supposedly smarter than me please explain why the Family cannot raise money for their charities and work in their businesses even though there are international connections when it was / is ok for HRC and the DemocRATs to do these things. HRC did not separate herself. Bill and Chelsey kept up the Foundation and they never quit. The Foundation was not a charity since they gave less than 10% to needy causes. So all you Liberal / biased / two faced DemocRATs explained the difference. Her private server allowed US secrets to be shared with our enemies.

  4. It is a shame, but it's a good move.

  5. Big difference in what the Trumps are doing and what the Clintons were/are doing. It is a shame that St. Jude's loses this source of funding.

  6. This is Leftist insanity.
    They have run out of bad things to report on Trump so now they are grasping at anything.
    The sons are listed as "Honorary" on the charity administration's list. You never hear that reported.

  7. I'd think maybe switching the fundraisers to some non-firearm oriented activities would be a wiser move, but they should still be able to raise money for St. Judes.


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