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Saturday, December 03, 2016

Study: Migrants Insulating Themselves From European Culture, Not Integrating

Migrant communities in Germany, especially those in poverty, are becoming more insular and rejecting western society and values in larger numbers according to a new study.

The biggest challenge of the migrant crisis has been the ability of the German government to properly integrate migrants from the Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere into German society. A new study by the German Association for Housing and Urban Development (VHW) shows that migrants, especially those of a lower income bracket, are becoming less integrated and some outright reject the culture of Germany entirely reports Die Welt.

The study, named “immigrant worlds in Germany 2016,” looks at migrants within the major cities and municipalities of the country shows that many migrant groups are choosing to isolate themselves rather than establish links with those of other backgrounds.

Germany is set to spend billions on the integration of new migrants per year, but if the VHW study is any indication, the money may be largely wasted.



  1. So.. what is the lesson here?

  2. "So.. what is the lesson here?"

    And how many will have to die before we learn it?


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