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Friday, December 16, 2016

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama's Birth Certificate a Forgery

Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference on Thursday to release information he says proves that President Barack Obama's long form birth certificate is a forgery.

Arpaio said he received information in 2011 that indicated the certificate could have been forged, and he consulted forensic experts from around the world who agree it is not authentic.

Arpaio and his team are not claiming that Obama was not born in Hawaii, but only that the long form birth certificate is not authentic. So-called "birthers" have questioned Obama's place-of-birth, saying he was born in Kenya, which they say disqualifies him to serve as president of the United States. Obama says he was born in Hawaii.

"We had to follow the evidence," Arpaio said before turning the briefing over to lead investigator Mike Zullo.

Zullo showed video of Obama's birth certificate alongside one of a person named Johanna Ah'Nee...

More here


  1. Now you just look stupid, give it a rest already.

  2. 9:51,

    Really? There is a lot of credible evidence from multiple sources that it's fake. Wikileaks has exposed the mainstream media as corrupt. Just because the media parrot a big lie doesn't make it true.

    Soros spent $2 million dollars getting Arpaio voted out of office. Soros and his allies work continually to undermine U.S. sovereignty.

    It looks to me like you're the one that just looks stupid, but I'm sure you're a democrat so it comes with the territory.

  3. The good sheriff is a great patriot. Thank you for all you have done sir.

  4. The republicans are now telling democrats to just get over it, the election is over and just get used to trump as our president. And yet after 8 years and as Obama is leaving office, the republicans still haven't gotten over it. LOL

  5. Yeah this guy lost his reelection, so maybe this is a feeble attempt to hold unto the limelight.

  6. There is good reason to believe Obama has reasons to pay millions to hide his college records which have still never been made public. He probably was enrolled as a foreign student. I am convinced he has not been honest to us Americans, and thus, spent much of the last eight years trying to destroy our great country because he isn't one of us!

  7. yeah 9:51

    You're the genius.

    How you can watch that video and make that statement tells the rest of us all we need to know about your intelligence level.

    i hope to God you never procreate and especially vote.

  8. We all saw it was an obvious fake multi layered .pdf which never existed in 1961. But, stupidity knows no bounds, does it?

  9. Maybe Superman can fly backwards around the world and reverse time so we can really know. WTF?

  10. His mother was a citizen, Hawaii was a state at the time he was born. That's good enough for me.


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