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Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Sen. Rand Paul: I Can Hardly Watch CNN Anymore Because It’s So Biased

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was a guest on Tuesday’sBreitbart News Daily, where he joined SiriusXM host Matt Boyle in critiquing the legacy media’s coverage of the 2016 election.

“You know, I think they’re so openly partisan that I can’t even hardly turn on CNN in the morning, that they’re going on and on about potential conflicts of interest,” Paul said. “Not that they’ve said this is a conflict of interest. They just go on and on and on, so it’s clearly a partisan network, and there’s no news.”

“During the campaign cycle, they must have spent hours of media time talking about how, ‘No, Donald Trump really wasn’t against the Iraq War because he nodded his head one time during an interview with Howard Stern on a question with the Iraq War,’” Paul recalled. “What they missed by doing that, by being so partisan, what they miss is, there really was a substantive difference between Trump and Clinton on the Iraq War, regime change, and nation-building.”

He noted that “Trump has reiterated, as recently as in the last week or two … that we don’t have enough money to build nations overseas; we need to rebuild our country.”



  1. I agree. CNN is the Clinton News Network

  2. Communist News Network

  3. It would be dumb to watch CNN, you might find out what the other side is thinking/doing/planning.

  4. There really isn't a true news organization anymore. Fox may come the closest.
    For over an entire year, each time you went to a "news station" it was ALL Trump. It's like there was no other news in the entire world happening for a year!

  5. CNN? Does that have something to do with kid's cartoons? Is Hillary a kid's cartoon about a witch?

  6. So has Sen Paul or any of you had similar trouble watching the bull on Fox all these years? We all need to stop feeding into the talking heads on either side who do nothing but spread misinformation, fear, and divisiveness while they laugh all the way to the bank. Literally. These guys who constantly put Americans against each other are in the country club yucking it up together on their day off.

  7. Been that way a long time, sir.

  8. Vice News on HBO is a decent place for news. Although get ready to choke back the vomit with their incredibly biased editorializing. They do however cover things that no one else will touch.

  9. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, New York Times, Washington Post are all Clinton media bias news sites. They are getting sickening. It use to be journalist were professionals but not anymore. They could be considered tabloid journalist now. They are all upset because Trump is not using them for the news that he wants the people to get.

  10. I have to admit I spent some time watching CNN & MSNBC after the election. The "melt down" was grand indeed.


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