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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Sen. Lindsey Graham: 100 Senators Believe Russia Meddled in US Election

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said he and 99 other senators believe Russia interfered in the presidential election and "we'll have the hearings and put sanctions together that will hit [President Vladimir] Putin as an individual and his inner circle."

"They're doing it all over the world, not just in the United States," Graham told Jim Sciutto on CNN on Tuesday. "They're interfering in elections and in democratic countries' efforts to self-determination all over the world."

"Vladimir Putin is a thug and a bully — and I believe that that has become apparent," McCain said. "There is no doubt about it.

"We have to act, and we have to have a policy, which this administration does not have, and a strategy, which this administration does not have, and address this threat to our national security."

"If they're able to undermine an election, they are able, then, to undermine democracy," McCain said.


[ Odd that we see no mention of George Soros.. --Editor ]


  1. Screw that BS..how hypocritical of us

  2. What about what was in the emails...These globalists paint Russia as election hackers by exposing Democrats actually hacking the election.

  3. If they did....all they did was show to the world exactly who the Clinton's are and what corruption exist in the current political arena.

  4. 'member the Iraq wmd's? I 'member.

  5. Lindsey (your momma must have wanted a girl), understand you and your fellow Senator's pootie poot festish. How bout the MILLIONS (with an M) of folks here in the states illegally?? How bout spending real time/resources on addressing that - rather than spending too much time/effort on an outside the USA issue.

    Wouldn't it make sense to worry more about USA than everyone else for a cha-cha-change?

    Many Americans think you should DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT STUPID!!

  6. Graham and McCain, like Obama, need to produce the evidence or STFU!

  7. 9:21..."they" just want publicity because they have no relevancy and should be retired from our tasty trough.

  8. I don't care about the DEMS, but the RINO's know better, they're just lying because they don't like President Trump...

  9. I agree with 9:21
    Also People in Glass houses should not cast stones.
    It will come back to bit them

  10. Sounds to me that those freaking idiots are meddling in this election. Leave well enough alone!! What part of "we want Trump" don't they understand.


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