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Friday, December 16, 2016

'Russian Hacking' a "Disinformation Campaign" Against Trump, Says Congressman

Intelligence agencies are refusing to brief members of Congress on claims that Russia hacked the U.S. presidential election, as Rep. Peter King charged that false information is being leaked to the media as part of a disinformation campaign to discredit Donald Trump.

Labeling the move “absolutely disgraceful,” Congressman Peter King told Megyn Kelly there was no evidence that Russia directly intervened to help Trump and no proof that this has changed since DNI director James Clapper’s conclusion on November 17th that Russia had no role in the release of the DNC or Podesta emails before the election.

“There is no consensus opinion, and yet we find it in the New York Times and the Washington Post and yet the House Committee on Intelligence was told nothing about this,” said King.


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