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Monday, December 05, 2016

Real Nazis-- Revisiting Humanity’s Darkest Chapter

It is one of the simplest, yet most horrifying forms of punishment one can imagine: throw a prisoner into a dark, empty cell, lock the door, provide no food or water, and leave them to die. Auschwitz’s notorious Block 11–known appropriately as “the death block,” and full of “starvation cells”–was meant to punish prisoners with torture. It is hard to imagine being put in the Suffocation Room, designed to make individuals suffocate from lack of air, or the standing cells, tiny areas less than a square yard in which four people would be held and sitting was impossible. They would stay like that for days, leaving the cells to work a full day of hard labor only to return at night and be forced to stand. Many would die of exhaustion in the holdings, each of which had one tiny opening to let enough air in to prevent the prisoners from suffocating.

Yet the Jewish people—among so many others who experienced the horrors of Hitler’s Europe—endured. Indeed, many of the Jews who survived and left Europe for the United States or the soon-to-be state of Israel flourished—and many had been successful before the Nazis took power. Therefore, I was struck by the subtitle of David Cesarani’s new history of the Holocaust, Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews, 1933-1949. The word “fate” implies something inevitable, a series of events beyond the control of human beings.

More here


  1. Looks like Jewish bankers are getting their revenge now.

  2. Plenty of other ethnic groups that have done worse, not to defend the Germans. Humanity in general has the capability to do both good and evil.

    Wars are created for the acquisition of resources and old hatreds and border disputes. Just a matter of time before the next one.
    Stalin and Pol Pot in Cambodia put down many more millions of people during their rein of horror.
    Many other tribal and ethnic groups as well. The Turks almost extinguished the Armenians from the face of the earth. Look at Africa of tribal conflicts, and warring factions of Muslims killing Christians in the Sudan.

    I am a German american. I am proud of my heritage and of the great things they have done. I am not proud of that period of history. Most Germans feel the same. I think this country is quite capable of doing the same Evil as others have done in history. Evil happens when good men and women do nothing and allow it to happen.
    We seem to have a tendency to keep repeating history and not learning from it.

  3. They have the same platform as the Democrat party.

  4. 1:36. I doubt George Soros did very much to aid the Nazis since he was only 13 years old in 1941 when the Nazis invaded Hungary.

  5. 248
    Excellent comment.
    The Armenian extermination was possibly one of the worst.
    Christians were murdered by the millions.

    I too have read of the Soros involvement in Nazi theft of Jewish families' property. Perhaps it is a myth?

    Does anyone know the truth about Soros' involvement in WWII?

  6. Transcript of Soros interview by 60 minutes Steve Kroft:

    KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.

    Mr. SOROS: Yes. That's right. Yes.

    KROFT: I mean, that's–that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?

    Mr. SOROS: Not–not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don't–you don't see the connection. But it was–it created no–no problem at all.

    KROFT: No feeling of guilt?

    Mr. SOROS: No.

  7. 451
    thank you for the info

    I guess the commenters were correct. Mr. Soros was involved in persecuting Jews, and he is in fact, a Zionist Jew.

  8. We need to do this with Liberals and illegals.

  9. 2:48 you are correct. All groups of people do evil. The south Sudan is currently experiencing ethnic cleansing. So horrible the things people do to each other.


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