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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Read Gary the Dog's heartbreaking Twitter tributes to Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds

Carrie Fisher may have been a mega star, but her dog, Gary, was no slouch in the fame department either.

The actress and prolific writer, 60, suffered from bipolar disorder, and the adorable French bulldog acted as not just her furry pal but also an emotional companion. Gary has been a red carpet staple since 2014, frequently stealing the show from his famous mama -- and even has his own Twitter account that boasts more than 61,000 followers.

The dog’s tweets are witty and irreverent, just like his mom was, but since Fisher’s death on Tuesday after she went into cardiac arrest on a plane from London to Los Angeles, the posts have been heartbreaking.

Shortly after the news broke, Gary wrote the tweet heard around the world that turned us all into a collective ball of tears: “Saddest tweets to tweet. Mommy is gone. I love you @carrieffisher.”



  1. I hope the doggie goes to a loving home.

  2. I hope he gets lots of love for the rest of his life, a loyal pet's loss is real, no less than a humans. I hope he lives out his life in a forever home where he is appreciated.


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