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Monday, December 26, 2016

Press Release: State of the County Report: 2016


  1. Still wanting on a tax cut, all I see is increasing in spending the last 6 years. It's getting ridiculous. Planning to move to Worcester County. Over there it's less taxes paid with state and local taxes combined. Nothing on here is benefiting me.

    1. Well your taxes didn't go up so that is good.

    2. Bob Culver you could accomplish so much more for the tax payers if your department heads actually worked together. Another commentor on this blog recently said to start in your own basement. I say "drain the basement" and that will be a start in the right direction.

  2. Thank you for the positive outlook, but its mere baby steps. While your spending big time and dumping millions in reserve...the people in this County are suffering in record poverty levels. Cut those damn taxes Bob!!


    You had better go back and issue a correction as to the county's jobs/ employment stats.

    Either your graph is wrong - or your statement is wrong. According to the jobs graph at the bottom of page 1 - our County's employment is still below where it was in 2005. In fact it looks as though the jobs is just about the same level as it was in 2008. In effect - our County is still not fairing very well in that department.

    IMHO, a restatement of the County's job data by Mr. Ryan is in order. At the very least, a further explanation is in order.

  4. 5:15 PM

    I agree. It looks like Salisbury/Wicomico employment levels are where they were in approximately 2008 - 8 years ago. And upon closer examination, we are not at the same high level that we were in 2005 - 11 years ago. Conclusion, the jobs propaganda - I am not buying into it because the numbers don't jive.

  5. Compare Maryland to Delaware,Delaware is booming with economic growth because of very low and no excessive corporate taxes and environment entities that work with people not control the whole state.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Obviously, SBYNEWS has some really astute readers. I didn't pick-up the discrepancy on the graph but after I read a few of the above comments, it is quite obvious that the jobs information is rather misleading.

  8. I'd be willing to bet that the department that issued the State of County Report: 2016 - isn't even aware of their graph interpretation error. Sounds as though they are trying to tout a robust employment scene when in actuality it isn't good at all. At least not according to their graph data.

  9. Sounds like prep for the campaign. How much are we paying CB to dress the pig for the wrong party?
    Mr Culver would be well advised to turn off the cell phone, step out of the bubble, resist the urge to believe an election is won on merit as opposed to lost on arrogance and indifference, resolve to not fall victim to the same, understand that most of the time doing less, -better is more impactful, talk a little and listen al,ot to those small b usinesses and employers in the community, many that singularly possess more real world, relevent experience than the entirety of the Executive's office, task his department heads to execute or be relieved and focus on growing jobs and the resultant base with real substantive initiatives.
    Pride goeth before the fall. Enough with the same cast of characters but expecting different results. The work ethic, top to bottom has been compromised

  10. The more things "change", the more they stay the same....a Yogism

  11. Drain the basement; drain the third floor
    Don't stop there; there's sooo much more !

  12. Well look there is John Cannon and Matt Holloway on Page 3 with the Big Check giving our hard earned tax dollars as free money with useless scholarships.

    Please tell those recipients to apply for loans or work 2 and 3 jobs like many of us has.

  13. Speaking of Matt Holloway did anyone else notice he wasn't at the last county council meeting again?

  14. Well, here's what I can tell all of you. Being a politician is like being married to two very different women.

    One wants one thing while the other wants to complete opposite. Rather then instantly disagreeing with my statement, know that I am 100% correct.

    So that being said, how do you balance pleasing EVERYONE? Well, you start by being a LEADER and make decisions based on what you feel is best for your community/district/country.

    I am married to a Liberal, so trust me, I know very well how to stand my ground RESPECTFULLY and I know when to walk away from standing my ground. I can tell you this as well, I learn a LOT on a daily basis from the "other side".

    That being said, (like a good politician) we sometimes learn from our mistakes.

    However, here's the BIG difference. When you're a politician, (like Bob Culver) you are up against the very special interests, (powers to be) who can make or break your re-election. I think you people know me well enough, I'd tell them to BITE ME and do what is right no matter what.

    So if Culver doesn't do what these special interests want, well, they'll back someone like John Cannon instead, a whore who will sell his own family just to have the title of County Executive. You see, Pollitt started bucking these special interests and they immediately dumped him and supported Culver instead.

    Your politics are CONTROLLED by special interests, period. These special interests include your local media too. These businesses spend a ton of money in advertising and just as your local media recently learned, if they didn't stop promoting Hillary these businesses would dump their advertising, and they did just that. The funny part is, these businesses have learned they weren't getting their moneys worth anyway as sales have actually gone UP ever since they stopped advertising.

    Anyhow, your special interests love things just the way they are. They are making tens of millions of dollars without ANY competition. As long as they get their way, things will always remain the same. They have NO INTEREST in job growth or any OUTSIDE competition. The day all of you start realizing this is the day the Eastern Shore will become self sufficient.

    I personally think Bob is doing the best he can do to keep BOTH sides happy.

  15. You just made a great case for being - and staying - a politician. What is needed is a leader.
    The national elections just demonstrated the power and patience of the American voter when one commits to being and acting like a leader that damns "popular" to sacrificially pursue "effective".
    We need leaders willing to lose their jobs to be effective or they are just another politician submitted by the system and the effort becomes the same old same old.
    And John will be there next election with promises either way and on and on we'll go circling the drain on the way to being swallowed by the "swamp" that gets so much lip service.

  16. 7:29, you are exactly right about being and staying a politician.

    We The People either need to encourage our elected officials to fight against the special interests OR we need to find people interested in making that change.

    I'll repeat, because the Council continues to keep the FIVE YEAR minimum on the books, (you have to be a county resident for at least 5 years) you will probably NEVER get someone qualified to RUN the county properly.

    All you'll get are POPULAR people running for the job, yet directed and controlled by the special interests.

    Barrie Tilghman used to go into the black neighborhoods before the upcoming election and build a playground, as if that helped the black communities. Guess what, it did NOTHING for crime.

    Nevertheless, quite a bit of CHANGE needs to happen in Salisbury and Wicomico County before you'll ever see crime go down or businesses/manufacturers ever come to the Shore. Can it happen, absolutely. However, the COMMUNITY truly needs to put their foot down and demand change. You'll also need a leader, (like a Donald Trump) who has the confidence to KNOW what is wrong and go right after changing things for the better. That means you have to start with the Council who believes in that same vision.

    Finally, even your local media wants to keep all of you in the closet. They refuse to tell you all the crime going on locally. They refuse to show you the run down communities, unless someone is murdered there. They refuse to talk about how low property values are. However, they are there for ribbon cuttings for the new fast food chain that just came to town. They're there to take your fundraising money but they won't SHOW YOU exactly where it's going. You people are fools/puppets.

    Just answer me this. ALL of your elected officials ran their campaigns with the #1 concern, JOBS. Please, do tell me who's delivered on the number one concern?

  17. I can't !
    And you can't know - really know- your constituents from show and go fund raisets, listing to the yes people you've surrounded yourself with to validate your election (and create an ingrate) or drive through neighbirhoods from the comfort of a goverment bought and maintained SUV

  18. figures lie and liars figure! same ole same ole! like bob but the bs is still going on in this town. We need a donald trump here!

  19. The graph speaks for itself. If anything SBYnews has done - it's as if GOD sent a gift to us from heaven. Do you think The Daily Times will print an objective article about our local economy? They are part of USA Today - (GCI) - and still haven't recognized the results of the election. They touted Clinton/Obama right up until the Trump victory results came-in.

    Jobs! Where are they. Only major growth around here is the services sector - (Dunkin Donuts, WaWa, Royal, Wal-Mart etc). And with the exodus of virtually all of our major manufacturers - (so many to list I do not know where to begin) - we are left with one of most undesirable industries imaginable - (Poultry).

    Poultry industry definition: Water polution, air quality, low wages, stagnation, it is a stinking business. That's my two cents worth.

  20. And yet there are still the Fakes that believe that families and employers will trade their safety, edication and financial security for a trolly ride for a decent burger and a craft beer!

  21. I truly believe it would have been best for the CE to have not reported anything. This kind of propaganda can set off brush fires if you know what I mean.

  22. I agree with 144, but as a county employee on the front line, the brush fire in our dept is a full fledged forest fire in need of immediate attention. Culver has been in his position long enough to have found out what I'm talking about. Me and my coworkers who care really don't think the situation is funny because we are county tax payers too. Culver can do better than what he's done - the waste is still there - not in all depts. maybe but in ours for sure.

  23. The economic report starts out like this from Dave Ryan;
    'More people are working in Wicomico County than ever before'

    Response: Then why doesn't that equation match their graphical representation. I agree with some of the other posters as well. Who in the hell do they think they're fooling. The economic statements are a fool-hardy attempt to distort reality. And I totally agree with Joe's comment about all of the elected officials campaigning on their no. 1 priority being jobs. What jobs? In that department they all deserve a flunking score of -E-.

  24. Joe,

    Don't know what to think, but I'm concerned that Culver is just another politician that won't face or reflect reality and tries to cover up reality (can you say "Rick Pollitt"). I voted for Bob but nor sure I would do that again (depending on the alternative, of course).

  25. Bob,

    Besides Paul Wilber's cost, doesn't the Council now have it's own attorney -- what is the total for legal stuff, including planning and zoning, etc., and how does it compare to the other counties on the lower Shore?

  26. Even if "more people are working", what are they earning? And where are the high earning jobs? Crown Cork, Dresser Wayne, Bayliner and all the support businesses that they needed are gone times ten.

  27. The problem is not the statement, it's the chart. The chart is missing the last 15 months. The statement is dead accurate: there are more jobs now than ever before in Wicomico County and more people working than ever before. That's not politics, just facts. Outdated graph should be updated, though.

  28. 10:32 - You observation is wrong. The highest amount of jobs in Wicomico County was in November of 2005 - (11 years ago).

    Right now Wicomico County is at the same employment level as 2008 - (8 years ago).

    Factor in population growth, the logical deduction is that the State of employment in Wicomico is deplorable!! And that is using the County's own employment graph.

  29. 10:32 - The graph information is Wicomico's latest employment data. The state employment information database always lags a year behind.

  30. IMHO - from my outside observance, I don't believe the county has any idea as to what the current state of employment really is. I do not have any political dogs in the hunt, I simply feel as though they don't possess the expertise and/or personnel to examine, digest, or articulate any of their own financial information in a logical way.

  31. Besides the employment data... looks like there has been some work done in the county this year. Thanks to all involved


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