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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Philippines Leader Duterte: I Threw Rape Suspect From Helicopter, Would Do it Again

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened government officials with the prospect of being thrown out of a helicopter mid-air if they are found to be corrupt, claiming he had done it before and had no qualms about doing it again.

The former prosecutor said he once hurled a Chinese man suspected of rape and murder out of a helicopter.

"If you are corrupt, I will fetch you using a helicopter to Manila and I will throw you out. I have done this before, why would I not do it again"? Duterte said during a speech to victims of a typhoon on Tuesday.

Duterte's latest threat comes just a few weeks after he admitted killing peopleduring his 22 years as a mayor of Davao City, sometimes riding a motorcycle looking for "encounters to kill".

He said those killings were part of legitimate police operations, including a hostage incident. Some U.S. senators have warned Duterte he risks impeachment over his comments.



  1. This idiot is out of control

  2. Anonymous said...
    This idiot is out of control

    December 29, 2016 at 9:27 PM

    Who did you rape??

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This idiot is out of control

    December 29, 2016 at 9:27 PM

    But you think it's OK for Obama to snuff out a U.S. Supreme Court Justice?? Damn Liberal Moron!

  4. 9:27 PM what about the long Hit List the Clinton have?? Duh, but that is Ok and those "idiots" aren't out of control?

    Seems to me the real idiot is YOU!!

  5. What a psycho! No one needs a leader like that.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What a psycho! No one needs a leader like that.

    December 30, 2016 at 9:28 AM

    Speaking of psycho you voted for Obama and Hillary. You are the psycho!!

  7. Phillipino Dirty Harry is the main reason they are eliminating drug dealers in the Phillipines- rock on!

  8. How many people do you think Obama has had killed.


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