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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Officials: Navy 'Midshipman' Title Will Not Change

Navy officials say they have decided against changing the name "midshipman" because it's a rank, not just a job title.

In January, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus issued a memo to the chief of naval operation seeking an "update of position titles and descriptions to demonstrate through this language that women are included in these positions."

Mabus asked for a review of "the position titles throughout the Navy and ensure that they are gender-integrated....removing 'man' from their titles."

"Midshipman" will not change because it's a rank according to U.S. law, Naval Academy Superintendent Vice Admiral Ted Carter said this week. He added that officials only looked at changing the name "very briefly."



  1. Good to see this news. I think this culture of rapid "political correctness" (aka censorship) is about to be vacated by the new political powerror base.

  2. Mabus is a freakin' moron that most likely never served a day in uniform!


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