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Saturday, December 17, 2016

ObamaCare Causing a $10 Billion Premium Hike for Taxpayers

In 2017, nearly $10 billion will need to be paid for to cover double-digit premium hikes for subsidized health insurance. This is all due to President Obama’s healthcare law, “ObamaCare.”

The determination of this grandiose price spike comes from the Center for Health and Economy. Their findings predict the cost of premium subsidies under the Affordable Care Act will skyrocket by $9.8 billion next year, rising from $32.8 billion currently to $42.6 billion. On a monthly average, subsidies will increase by 26%. That’s $76 added to the current $291, meaning in 2017 it will be $$367 for a monthly subsidy.

“Under current law, you get a premium increase, you pour more money in,” said economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin, founder of the Center for Health and Economy. “The concern is that this will feed more premium increases.”



  1. “Under current law, you get a premium increase, you pour more money in,” said economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin, founder of the Center for Health and Economy. “The concern is that this will feed more premium increases.”

    HUH? What? No kidding. Glad you aren't a rocket scientist.

  2. Many will simply not pay the premiums and wait for the Trump Administration and Congress to fix this mess.

  3. I'm going to the inauguration just to see that man get on Marine One for the last time.


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