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Friday, December 16, 2016

Obama mandates state funding for Planned Parenthood

President Obama is delivering a generous parting gift to Planned Parenthood in the form of a rule prohibiting states from divesting millions of dollars from the nation’s largest abortion provider.

The final version of the rule, issued by the Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday, requires states to distribute dollars from Title X of the Public Health Service Act without taking into account whether recipient clinics perform abortions.

The edict is set to go into effect Jan. 18, two days before the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump.

Rep. Diane Black, a Tennessee Republican who sits on the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, said the Obama administration “will not have the last word” on the rule.

“We should not be surprised that his administration would lash out with this eleventh hour power grab on the way out the door, but I am certain this rule will not stand for long,” Ms. Black said in a statement.

More here


  1. In direct violation of regulations specifically prohibiting use of federal funds for abortions.

    I expect this to be reversed about an hour after the inauguration!

    What a wholesale TURD!

  2. Should only stand for 2 days. Any state can easily stall for that long!

  3. And also the nations largest provider of health services to women who can't afford to get treatment everywhere else.

  4. But everyone has healthcare now because of Obamacare!

  5. More unconstitutional crap from the spineless lame duck.

  6. He does NOTHING for the working man or small business man but has plenty to do for wasteful social programs.

  7. if only his momma would have considered it

  8. 10th Amendment prohibits this.

  9. He is a absolute comuniist idiot! Just go away Obama!

  10. I'm surprised the commenters are so against abortion. Who uses abortion? It's the same people who use welfare. I'm shocked so many are against it...you don't want to help them raise their kids so why are you complaining if they opt not to have them. Maybe they don't want to be the welfare mom. I am all for abortion. It's not a religious thing for me. It's a reality thing.

  11. 8 56 has got it right.


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